Upcoming Events
6th Asian Conference on Food and Nutrition Safety
26/11/2012 – 28/11/2012
Singapore, Singapore
This conference was organized by ILSI Southeast Asia Region in collaboration with the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore.
Symposium on “Optimum Health and Nutrition for Our Ageing Population”
Melbourne, Australia
This event was organized by the ILSI Southeast Asia Region Australasia Country Office and the Omega-3 Centre.
Workshop on Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Addressing Nutritional Problems in Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
This event was organized by ILSI Southeast Asia Region and National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam.
7th Seminar & Workshop on Nutrition Labeling, Claims and Communication Strategies
29/08/2012 – 31/08/2012
Bangkok, Thailand
This event was organized by ILSI SEA Region & Thailand Country Committee.
Symposium on “Should Australia and New Zealand Allow More Vitamin D Into The Food Supply?”
Melbourne, Australia
This event was organized by the ILSI Southeast Asia Region Australasia Country Office.
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2016-06-29 03:02:17 [post_content] => [post_title] => Symposium on "Should Australia and New Zealand Allow More Vitamin D Into The Food Supply?" 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