Past Events, Reports and Presentations

Past Events, Reports and Presentations

ILSI Southeast Asia Region organizes over 50 events – workshops, symposia, scientific session and more – each year. Explore recent and past events here for agendas, speaker presentations, and summaries.


Past Events

Seminar and Roundtable on Enhancing Data on MIYC Nutritional and Health Status for Guidance and Program Development in Southeast Asia

Bangkok, Thailand

To further address the challenges and gaps in national health, nutrition, and dietary data essential for formulating effective MIYC strategies and guidance, ILSI SEA Region will organize a seminar and roundtable discussion to be held in conjunction with the 2nd SEA Public Health Nutrition Conference (November 11-13, 2024). The meeting will discuss the availability of, and identify gaps in health, nutritional and dietary data that impact the development of national policy guidelines and programs to improve MIYC nutritional and health status.

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Science Symposium: ReThink Carbohydrates – Science, Health and Regulatory Development

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This 1-day IN-PERSON symposium will provide an opportunity to re-visit the role of carbohydrates in human nutrition and health, with the latest scientific and regulatory updates from experts, researchers and regional regulatory personnel. It will offer a multi-stakeholder platform to evaluate and discuss the scientific basis and approaches, to identify research gaps, recommend dietary guidance and in development of food regulations in health promotion and disease prevention efforts for the target SEA population.

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Overview Overview BACKGROUND
Co-organized by Sunway University and the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, and in collaboration with Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, the symposium will collaborate with key local and regional institutions, bringing together subject experts including renowned scientists, regional practitioners and researchers, industry leaders in the field, health officials and regulators to share latest advancement and new knowledge on human and gut microbiome research in Asia and SE Asia.
From clinical to translational science and applications, the symposium will provide an exciting platform to exchange, harness the science, stimulate innovations in tools and product development that will help inform on appropriate dietary recommendations to address nutrition and health gaps, facilitate regulatory development and forge partnerships in advancing the field for consumer health benefits in Southeast Asia.


  • Advance knowledge link on gut microbiome to health and disease, focusing on Asian populations
  • Provide regional landscape and initiate collaboration in SE Asia to generate data and further research and product development
  • Promote innovation and regulatory development for consumer and market
  • Develop insights and recommendations for research and regulatory guidance
  • Facilitate discussion on pre-competitive collaborative research opportunities
Program Outline

Day 1 - November 25, 2024, 08:45 - 18:00 hr

  • Session 1 - Human Gut Microbiota - Updates on Science and Research in Southeast Asia
  • Session 2 - Technologies and Food Innovations to Advance Gut Microbiota and Health
  • Session 3 - Infant Gut Microbiota and Health
  • Panel Session

Day 2 - November 26, 2024, 08:30 - 18:00 hr

  • Rapid-fire Poster Presentation Session - for Shortlisted Posters
  • Session 4 - Gut Microbiota, Metabolic Health and the Gut-brain Axis
  • Session 5 - Functional Biotics and its Applications in Southeast Asia
  • Session 6 - Developments in Regulations and Consumer Insights in Southeast Asia
  • Panel Session

Please refer below for the full program and presenters details.



The following posters were submitted by several academicians and researchers, students, healthcare professionals, government, policy and regulatory authority, and industry innovators, in line with the symposium's session themes.

Browse through their e-posters below:

101 Influence of novel food containing microalgae on microbe-host interactions
Marta Arbrile,
Madeleine Drexler, Philane Bok, Andrea Spaccasassi, Deborah Haecker, Corinna Dawid, Dirk Haller 102 Low protein diet ameliorates MASLD in a gut microbiota-dependent manner
Yi Rou Bah, Dayang Nurul Asyiqin, Sunny Wong Hei, Nguan Soon Tan, Kazuyuki Kasahara 103 Oral Probiotics for the Treatment and Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis
Pei En Goh, Jo Ee Kew, Keyun Look, Shi Ying Ong, Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra, Yun Jing Tiong, Kavita Reginald 104 Theabrownin ameliorates experimental colitis and modulating gut microbiota in mice
Emily Kwun Kwan Lo, Junsheng He, Hani El-Nezami, Jun Li 105 Impact of Sago Consumption on Gut Microbiome Composition and Urine Metabolome Profiles: A Cross-Sectional Study from Malaysia
Chui Yang Mok, Polly Soo Xi Yap, Qasim Ayub, Ashish Dutt, Sadequr Rahman, Sal Hazreen Bugam, Effa Maria Noorzali, Mohammad Izzuandy Yusop, Chun Wie Chong 106 How Aflatoxin B1 Affects Brain Health? The Role of Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Depression
Mohd-Redzwan Sabran, Woei Chung Ng, Syarminie Subramaniam, Winnie-Pui-Pui Liew 107 Role of the Gut Microbiome in Human Health: A Report of the ILSI South East Asia Region Gut Microbiome Conference Series
Sim Shao Zhe Edric, Conway Patricia Lynne, Smith Geoffry, Yeong Boon Yee 108 Exploring the link between maternal mental health trajectories and gut microbiome: insights from the 'Singapore Preconception Study of Long-Term Maternal and Child Outcomes' (S-PRESTO) cohort
Noor Hidayatul Aini Suaini, Hui Xing Lau, Sandheep Ransilu Piyasanka, Yap Qai Ven2, Michelle Kee Zhi Ling, Michael Meaney, Xu Jia1, Lee Bee Wah, Lynette Shek Pei-chi, Chan Shiao-yng, Kewin Siah Tien Ho, Jerry Chan Kok Yen, Delicia Ooi Shu Qin, Niranjan Nagarajan, Neerja Karnani, Chan Yiong Huak, Johan Gunnar Eriksson, Evelyn Loo Xiu Ling 109 Delivery of nucleic acids in the gut microbiota using cyclic D,L-α-peptides
Shaun Tan, Kazuyuki Kasahara, Benson Chen Po-Shen 110 Randomized Controlled Trial using Multi-strain Probiotic Supplementation with Standard Care in Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis: A Preliminary Data
Muhammad Ikhmal Rosali, Raja Affendi Raja Ali, Khairul Najmi Muhammad Nawawi, Deborah Chia Hsin Chew, Hajar Fauzan Ahmad, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar 111 From Deficiency to Diversity: Red Palm Olein-enriched Biscuits Potentially Enhance Gut Health in Vitamin A-deificent Children
Tan Pei Yee, Radhika Loganathan, Yvonne Lim Ai Lian, Lee Soo Ching, Kanga Rani Selvaduray, Teng Kim Tiu, Syahirah NadiahMohd Johari 112 Compositional Characteristics of Bat Gut Microbiota in Co-infection with High Spillover Risk Viruses
Juanjuan Yi, Mang Shi, Jun Li 113 Fermentation of oats with probiotics for enhanced nutritional and microbiome related benefits
Wong LL, Sim SZE , Kjelleberg S, Conway PL 114 Production of Insect Protein Hydrolysate using Microbial Fermentation
Zhang Penghui, Seow Kelyn, Sim Shao Zhe Edric, Case Rebecca, Steven Rachel, Wein Leo, Wang Yulan, Conway Patricia Lynne 115 Multi-omics profiles of the gut microbiome in obese preschool children
Shiyu Yan 116 The Influence of Food Choices on Gut Microbiome-derived Short-chain Fatty Acids and Bone Health in Preadolescent Malaysian Children
Kanimolli Arasu, Yi Qi Cheow, Kooi Yeong Khaw, Chun Wie Chong, Connie M Weaver, Winnie Siew Swee Chee 117 Processing of Development Dadih Powder on Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as A Locally Source Probiotic from West Sumatra, Indonesia
Helmizar, Restu Sakinah, Rina Agustina 118 The gut and cognitive frailty in older adults: Are microbiota, intestinal permeability, and intestinal inflammation the critical links?
Nurul Izzati Ahmad Fadzuli, Hazwanie Iliana Hairul Hisham, Siong Meng Lim, Abu Bakar Abdul Majeed, Maw Pin Tan, Suzana Shahar, Hui Min Khor, Ai Huey Tan, Chun Wie Chong, Kalavathy Ramasamy 119 Anti-Angiogenic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LAB12-derived Postbiotics for Chemoprevention Against Colorectal Cancer
Umi Khalsom Mohd Bajuri, Kalavathy Ramasamy, Siong Meng Lim 120 Association of Fasting Plasma Peptide YY and Glucagon-like Peptide-1 with Gestational Weight Gain in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy in Indonesia
Dwi Susanti, Davrina Rianda, Dyana Santika Sari, Erfi Prafiantini, Ninik Mudjihartini, Budi Wiweko, Anuraj Shankar, Rina Agustina 121 Antibiofilm Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Mechanisms of Cell-Free Supernatant, Metabolite Insights, and Prospects for Edible Coating Applications in Food Quality Control
Mohd Fakharul Zaman Raja Yahya, Mohd Shafiq Aazmi, Muhamad Fareez Ismail 122 The Efficacy of Yeast Beta Glucan 1,3/1,6 Supplementation on Respiratory Infection, Fatigue, Immune Markers, and Gut Health Among Moderate Stress Adults in Klang Valley of Malaysia: Protocol for a Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Study
Nur Nadia Mohamad Habibullah, Suzana Shahar, Munirah Ismail, Norhayati Ibrahim, Mohd Zul Amin Kamaruddin, Shirley Gee Hoon Tang, Mohd Faisal Abdul Hamid, Kalavathy Ramasamy



The Symposium will be held IN-PERSON at:

Sapphire Ballrom, Level 1
Avanté Hotel
1 Persiaran Bandar Utama Bandar Utama
PJU 6, Bandar Utama, 47800
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

About the Organizers
ILSI Southeast Asia Region (ILSI SEA Region) is a regional branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), a nonprofit, worldwide organization whose mission is to provide science that improves human health and well-being, and safeguards the environment. Established in 1978 and headquartered in Washington, DC, USA, ILSI carries out its work through a global network of 10 entities across the world. ILSI has specialized consultative status with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
ILSI SEA Region seeks to achieve ILSI's mission by fostering collaboration among experts from academia, government, and industry, to provide a balance of perspectives and ensure its scientific outcomes are useful at the local, national and international levels. Its activities include scientific meetings and conferences, capability development programs, and research and community projects. ILSI SEA Region's scientific programs are guided by the principles of integrity, independence and transparency. By maintaining our neutrality and independence, we have worked closely and effectively with our key stakeholder groups from academia, industry, international organizations and governments.
School of Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University, Malaysia
Sunway University is one of Malaysia's leading private universities. Upholding values-based education, the University strives to ensure the campus community develops a sustainable mindset by embracing an ecological worldview, understanding systems perspective, and developing emotional intelligence. Sunway University is part of the Sunway Education Group which is owned and governed by the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Malaysia's largest education-focused social enterprise, where operating surpluses are channelled back into the institutions or disbursed as scholarships, research grants and faculty or facility expansion funds.
The Sunway University School of Medical and Life Sciences is dedicated to revolutionising healthcare development in the region. The School comprises five Academic Departments and Research Centres, including the Sunway Microbiome Centre - a Centre that focuses on the research of microbiota in health and disease. The Sunway Microbiome Centre collaborates nationally and internationally with researchers across multiple disciplines to advance microbiome research, and unravel how naturally existing microbial species in the digestive system influence the occurrence and progression of a variety of human illnesses and diseases.
Nutrition Society of Malaysia

Nutrition Society MalaysiaEstablished in 1985, the Nutrition Society of Malaysia is a non-profit professional organisation with 500 members, comprising mainly of nutritionists. Its objectives are to 1) promote, advance, and disseminate scientific knowledge of food and nutrition, and 2) promote healthy eating and active living amongst all Malaysians. As a professional organisation, NSM is guided by a simple belief - the more people understand food and nutrition, the better they can care for their health and wellbeing. For that reason, NSM supports the advancement of research, sharing practical insights and important discoveries for the benefits for all. NSM also support the Government's efforts in promoting healthy nutrition in the society to combat nutrient deficiencies as well as diet-related chronic diseases in the country (e.g. obesity, diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease). In caring for the community, NSM continuously disseminate practical nutrition information to the young and old alike, guiding them to discover the benefits of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University (LKCMedicine, NTU), Singapore
NTU is a research-intensive public university ranked amongst the world's top universities. It is also home to world-renowned autonomous institutes including the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering. Apart from its main campus, NTU also has a medical campus in Novena, Singapore's healthcare district.
Established in 2010 by NTU, Singapore in partnership with Imperial College London, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) aims to be a model for innovative medical education and a centre for transformative research. The School's primary clinical partner is the National Healthcare Group, a leader in public healthcare and quality medical expertise, facilities and teaching. LKCMedicine is transitioning to an NTU Medical School, ahead of the 2028 successful conclusion of the NTU-Imperial partnership to set up a Joint Medical School. The School welcomed its first intake of the NTU MBBS programme in August 2024, emphasizing themes including precision medicine and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, with an expanded scope in the medical humanities.  International Food Safety Training Centre Malaysia (IFSTC) / Food Safety and Quality Programme (FSP), Ministry of Health, Malaysia

About the Sponsors



ILSI Global
ILSI is a global, non-profit federation dedicated to generating and advancing emerging science and groundbreaking research to ensure foods are safe, nutritious and sustainable, and that they improve planetary and human health and well-being in the 21st century.
ILSI convenes scientists at the forefront of research on nutrition, food safety and sustainability, and operates within a framework of the highest principles of scientific integrity. ILSI's trusted experts and volunteers around the world work synergistically and transparently across academia and the public and private sectors.
ILSI envisions a future where its thought leadership positively impacts health and sustainability through decisions informed by science, and provides input to overcome global food challenges through collaboration across sectors. Beneo
Beneo has long-term experience in developing and producing plant-based functional ingredients from natural sources for the food, feed and pharmaceutical industries. By supporting health and optimising taste and texture, they help improve the nutritional and technical properties of a wide variety of products.

Through a unique chain of expertise, BENEO offers customers advice and inspiration on new product ideas that support a healthy lifestyle in a holistic way. This includes the BENEO-Institute that provides decisive insights into nutrition science and legislation, and the BENEO-Technology Center that consults in application technology.

Formed in 2007, BENEO is active in over 80 countries, employs more than 1200 people and has six state-of-the-art production sites in Belgium, Chile, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands that deliver high-quality ingredients at all times.

Wellous is committed to simplifying wellness through premium products backed by scientifically validated ingredients. As a leader in health and wellness, we enhance individual well-being and foster a health-focused community with natural solutions driven by three pillars: Specialized Product Development, Proprietary Technology, and an Engaging Social Commerce Network. Expanding from Malaysia into the Asia Pacific, Wellous maintains high product standards while scaling operations through R&D partnerships and innovation. Collaborating with educational institutions and our Medical and Research Board of Advisors (MRBA), we develop cutting-edge formulations that blend modern science with traditional remedies, ensuring product efficacy, safety, and reliable wellness solutions. Yakult
More than 90 years ago, Dr. Minoru Shirota, the founder of Yakult, pursued preventive medicine and succeeded in strengthening and culturing our representative strain Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain Shirota (previously known as Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota). He then released an inexpensive, good-tasting fermented milk drink "Yakult" in 1935 so that as many people as possible could benefit from this lactic acid bacteria. Today, about 40 million bottles of our dairy products are consumed in 40 countries and regions across the world.

Since its founding, as a pioneer in the field of Probiotics, Yakult has been expanding our operations to food and beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products based on scientific evidence. With the passionate desire of our founder, we contribute to the health and happiness of people around the world through the pursuit of excellence in life science in general and our research and experience in microorganisms in particular.




Founded in 1995, Junlebao Dairy Group has been dedicated to the development of dairy industry for the past 26 years, providing consumers with nutritious, healthy, and safe dairy products. The Group now has over 14,000 employees (including outsourced staff), and focuses on four major sectors, including infant and toddler formula, cold yogurt, room-temperature milk, and animal husbandry, with 21 manufacturing plants (including those under construction) in Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Jilin provinces and other places and 17 modern large-sized dairy farms. Junlebao Dairy Group has a nationwide sales network.
In recent years, Junlebao has continuously reinforced its R&D activities and innovation, optimized the product structure, and endeavored to promote the high-quality development of the dairy industry. It initiated the production and the operation model of "integrated whole industrial chain" and "world-class advantages in five aspects", strictly pursuant to the principle of four "Mosts": the most optimal quality, the most competitive brand, the most reliable product and the most satisfactory product for consumers. Novonesis
In 2024 Chr. Hansen and Novozymes joined forces to form Novonesis.​
We are 10,000 people worldwide whose expertise spans more than 30 different industries. All around the world our biosolutions already create value for thousands of customers and benefit the planet. Our biosolutions enable feeding and fueling the world more sustainably, from healthy and sustainable nutrition to biofuel.
Novonesis Human Health Biosolutions offer scientifically-researched and clinically-tested solutions for a stronger body and mind to support people navigate to better lifelong health. Our portfolio is manufactured at scale in-house and includes prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes, novel vitamins, proteins and many other biosolutions to help you meet people's complex needs. Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC)
The Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC), launched in February 2019, is one of the technology consortia funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF), Singapore. It is currently administered under the Consortium Management Office hosted in A*STAR, Singapore. The Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC) initiative is based on a multidisciplinary research platform and skill base, with translational capacity, on microbial biofilm biology and technology, at SCELSE and other institutions across Singapore. SNBC serves as a coordinating platform at the convergence of health, engineering, technology and science, that integrates innovation and business in the area of biofilm and microbiome technologies to address emerging challenges across diverse industries. SNBC aims to foster collaboration, innovation and translational research across academia and industry within Singapore's R&D ecosystem as well as internationally. U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC)
The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) is a non-profit, independent membership organization that represents the global trade interests of U.S. dairy producers, proprietary processors and cooperatives, ingredient suppliers. Founded in 1995, USDEC is committed to enriching the well-being of people, communities, and the planet, and to sharing science-backed information on the health, nutritional and sustainability benefits U.S. dairy delivers.


Download Full Program

DAY 1: November 25, 2024

08:00 - 08:45 hr Registration
08:45 - 09:00 hr Opening and Welcome Remarks
  • Mr Geoffry SMITH, ILSI SEA Region, SIngapore
  • Prof Sibrandes POPPEMA, Sunway University, Malaysia
  • Dr Mahenderan APPUKUTTY, Nutrition Society of Malaysia

DAY 2: November 26, 2024

08:30 - 09:30 hr Breakfast Refreshment & Rapid-fire Poster Presentation Session


Explore our various sponsorship opportunities and take part in this important meeting! For more details, please email




Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University Nutrition Society Malaysia


NTU_Logo_Colour_4C_Positive_Full Colour High res-01-01 IFSTC-LOGO-REDESIGN


ILSI Global BENEO logo Wellous logo Yakult Logo


Junlebao Logo Novonesis SNBC logo USDEC-logo


If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the following:

For Local Participants:
Dr. Tee E Siong
Email: For Overseas Participants:
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Tel: 65 6352 5220
Email: [post_title] => Advancing Gut Microbiome Research for Applications in Health and Food Innovation [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => microbiome-2024 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-11-26 06:06:17 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-26 06:06:17 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 30342 [post_author] => 353 [post_date] => 2024-10-15 03:25:49 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-15 03:25:49 [post_content] => Header_NL Vietnam


Since 2001, ILSI Southeast Asia Region has facilitated a series of seminars and workshops across Southeast Asia for regulators, researchers and scientists, and relevant food industry personnel from the region to address critical issues surrounding nutrition labeling and claims.
This upcoming 1-day seminar will provide the latest developments in nutrition labeling regulations in Vietnam and the ongoing harmonization efforts across ASEAN. Key topics include ASEAN Nutrition Labeling Guidelines, Nutrient Reference Values (NRV), Nutrition Information Panels (NIP), and tolerance limits. The seminar will also provide updates on nutrition and health claims, including the criteria and scientific substantiation.


  • Development and Key Considerations on Nutrition Information Panel (NIP)
  • Status and Developments on Nutrition Labeling and Claims Regulations in Vietnam
  • ASEAN Nutrition Labeling Guidelines and Harmonization of Nutrient Reference Values
  • Updates on Harmonization Efforts on Tolerance limits in ASEAN
  • Nutrition Claims in SEA Region: Current Status and Harmonization Efforts
  • Health Claims in SEA Region: Status, Criteria and Substantiation
  • Industry Perspective on the Application of Nutrition Labeling and Claims


8:30 - 09:00 Registration

Welcome and Opening Remarks Expand 09:00 - 09:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Vietnam Food Administration (VFA), Vietnam
Ms Pauline Chan, ILSI SEA Region, Singapore

Ms. Pauline Chan is the Director of Scientific Programs for ILSI Southeast Asia Region, a global scientific organization that seeks to improve public health through the advancement of science in the areas of nutrition and food safety. ILSI SEA Region is headquartered in Singapore and covers the 10 ASEAN countries, Australia and New Zealand. Pauline has extensive experience in developing scientific programs and facilitating dialogue between scientists, government regulators, and industry to address regional and international issues in nutrition, food safety, sustainability and health. A frequently invited resource speaker at conferences and seminars, Ms. Chan is a registered dietitian (RD) with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ms. Chan received her M.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetics from New York University, USA, and her B.Sc. in Chemistry from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Development of Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) - Key Considerations Expand
09:15 - 09:45 Development of Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) - Key Considerations

Dr E-Siong Tee, TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, Malaysia

Dr E Siong Tee is currently a Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, and Adjunct Professor of the International Medical University, Malaysia. He was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He was President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) till March 2024. In this capacity, he has led the implementation of various community nutrition promotion programs including the Nutrition Month Malaysia programme since 2002. Dr Tee is also Vice-President of the Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies (FANS), and a member of several Technical Working Groups of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the committees related to Malaysian Food Regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network in 2014 and is the current Chairman of the Network.

Current Status and Developments on Nutrition Labeling and Claims Regulations in Vietnam Expand 09:45 - 10:20 Current Status and Developments on Nutrition Labeling and Claims Regulations in Vietnam
Vietnam Food Administration (VFA), Vietnam

10:20 - 10:40 Morning Break

Harmonization of Nutrition Labeling in ASEAN: Current Status and Progress Expand 10:40 - 11:10 Harmonization of Nutrition Labeling in ASEAN: Current Status and Progress (ASEAN NL Guidelines and Harmonization of Nutrient Reference Values)
Ms Norlida Zulkafly, Food Safety and Quality Programme (FSQP), Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Ms. Norlida Zulkafly is a Nutritionist and currently appointed as the Section Head, for Special Food Group Section in the Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health. She obtained her degree in Food Science and Nutrition from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2002. She began her career as nutritionist in a pharmaceutical and health industry for three years before joining Ministry of Health as Nutritionist in 2005.

Ms. Norlida has been involved with several expert committees namely Expert Committee on Nutrition, Health Claims & Advertisement and Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU). Her field of interest includes nutrition labelling and food standards development.

Efforts in Harmonization of Tolerance limits in ASEAN - An Update Expand
11:10 - 11:30 Efforts in Harmonization of Tolerance limits in ASEAN - An Update

Dr E-Siong Tee, TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, Malaysia

Dr E Siong Tee is currently a Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, and Adjunct Professor of the International Medical University, Malaysia. He was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He was President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) till March 2024. In this capacity, he has led the implementation of various community nutrition promotion programs including the Nutrition Month Malaysia programme since 2002. Dr Tee is also Vice-President of the Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies (FANS), and a member of several Technical Working Groups of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the committees related to Malaysian Food Regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network in 2014 and is the current Chairman of the Network.

11:30 - 11:50 Discussion and Q&A
11:50 - 13:00 Lunch Nutrition Claims in SEA Region: Current Status and Harmonization Efforts Expand
13:00 - 13:25 Nutrition Claims in SEA Region: Current Status and Harmonization Efforts

Ms Pauline Chan, ILSI SEA Region, Singapore

Ms. Pauline Chan is the Director of Scientific Programs for ILSI Southeast Asia Region, a global scientific organization that seeks to improve public health through the advancement of science in the areas of nutrition and food safety. ILSI SEA Region is headquartered in Singapore and covers the 10 ASEAN countries, Australia and New Zealand. Pauline has extensive experience in developing scientific programs and facilitating dialogue between scientists, government regulators, and industry to address regional and international issues in nutrition, food safety, sustainability and health. A frequently invited resource speaker at conferences and seminars, Ms. Chan is a registered dietitian (RD) with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ms. Chan received her M.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetics from New York University, USA, and her B.Sc. in Chemistry from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Health Claims in SEA Region: Status, Criteria and Substantiation Expand 13:25 - 13:55 Health Claims in SEA Region: Status, Criteria and Substantiation
Dr E-Siong Tee, TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, Malaysia

Dr E Siong Tee is currently a Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, and Adjunct Professor of the International Medical University, Malaysia. He was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He was President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) till March 2024. In this capacity, he has led the implementation of various community nutrition promotion programs including the Nutrition Month Malaysia programme since 2002. Dr Tee is also Vice-President of the Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies (FANS), and a member of several Technical Working Groups of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the committees related to Malaysian Food Regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network in 2014 and is the current Chairman of the Network.

Application of Nutrition Labeling and Claims: Industry Perspectives Expand
13:55 - 14:25 Application of Nutrition Labeling and Claims: Industry Perspectives

Ms Debbie Wang & Ms Mei Yee Wang, Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore

Ms. Debbie (Wen Shiu) Wang, Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore

Ms. Debbie Wang is a Director, Compliance and Regulatory, in Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd. She holds a degree in Food & Nutrition and a MSc. in Healthcare Management from the University of Wales, United Kingdom.
Ms. Wang develops her career in compliance & regulatory through years of services in health supplements and food industry. She works closely with Food & Health Supplements regulators in the Asia Pacific region on various regulatory projects.
Ms. Wang also plays a very active role in Health Supplements Industry Association Singapore (HSIAS) and ASEAN Alliance of Health Supplement Associations (AAHSA), both involve extensive work in supporting harmonization of health supplements technical guidelines in ASEAN.

Ms. Mei Yee Wang, Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore

 Ms. Wang Mei Yee is currently a Senior Manager, Compliance and Regulatory in Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd. She holds a degree in Food Science & Nutrition.
Ms. Wang started her career as nutritionist and delve into regulatory & scientific field along the years. She has more than 15 years of regulatory experience in Food, Beverages and Health Supplement products across Asia Pacific contingent. She possesses a proven track record of successful collaborative work with various countries regulatory bodies, achieving new product development milestones.
She is actively involving herself in industry dialog to stay abreast with relevant knowledge and technical knowledge in the dynamic and ever evolving food and beverage landscape.


Panel Discussion Expand
14:15 - 15:15 Panel Discussion

Vietnam Food Administration (VFA), Vietnam
Dr E-Siong Tee, TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy, Malaysia
Ms Pauline Chan, ILSI SEA Region, Singapore
Ms Norlida Zulkafly, Food Safety and Quality Programme (FSQP), Ministry of Health, Malaysia

15:15 Closing and End of Seminar

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TGN_042922_ILSI_Logo_Southeast_Asia_Region- VFA


If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the following:

ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Tel: 65 6352 5220
Email: [post_title] => National Nutrition Labeling and Claims Seminar [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => nutrition-labeling-vietnam [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-10-28 11:00:03 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-10-28 11:00:03 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 30336 [post_author] => 353 [post_date] => 2024-10-14 17:47:17 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-14 17:47:17 [post_content] => Header - MIYC (2)


The World Health Assembly (WHA) has endorsed six global targets under the Comprehensive Implementation Plan on Maternal, Infant, and Young Child (MIYC) Nutrition, including reducing stunting and wasting in children under five, halting the rise of obesity, reducing anaemia in women of reproductive age, lowering the incidence of low birth weight, and increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates. These targets are designed to set priorities and foster accountability at the national level.

Building on these global efforts, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) SEA Region has established a Technical Committee and Expert Panel on MIYC Nutrition since 2008, comprising over 10 regional researchers and experts. This panel has facilitated reviews and updates on the scientific understanding and nutrition-related issues on maternal, early childhood nutrition, and growth development, leading to 6 expert consultations, 11 seminars and workshops and 13 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.

To further address the challenges and gaps in national health, nutrition, and dietary data essential for formulating effective MIYC strategies and guidance, ILSI SEA Region will organize a seminar and roundtable discussion to be held in conjunction with the 2nd SEA Public Health Nutrition Conference (November 11-13, 2024). The meeting will discuss the availability of, and identify gaps in health, nutritional and dietary data that impact the development of national policy guidelines and programs to improve MIYC nutritional and health status.


  • Share and evaluate available health, nutrition and dietary data from selected SEA countries
  • Identify gaps and discuss enhancement of data to strengthen MIYC guidance and programs
  • Develop strategies and recommend action plans to improve MIYC nutritional and health status


Session 1: Nutritional and Health Status in Southeast Asia  - Data Gaps for Development
Chair: Assoc Prof Dr Pattanee Winichagoon, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand
Co-chair: Assoc Prof Dr Yit Siew Chin, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Background and Introduction to ASEAN Guidelines and Minimum Standards on Nutrition - MIYC Expand
08:45 -09:00 hr Background and Introduction to ASEAN Guidelines and Minimum Standards on Nutrition - MIYC
Assoc Prof Dr Pattanee Winichagoon, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand

Dr Pattanee Winichagoon is an Associate Professor, and currently, also Senior Advisor, at the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. Her work in the area of maternal and child micronutrient status, micronutrient intervention and community-based nutrition is well-regarded. She has collaborated with several international renowned researchers and research institutions. Recently, she has been leading research related to the application of stable isotope methods for early life nutrition in Thailand and Asian countries, including, human milk intake, body composition of mothers and children, and infant energy expenditure aiming to contribute to data gaps from developing countries. She has served on WHO guideline development groups on indicators for assessing anemia and iron status; FAO/WHO expert group on nutrient requirements of infants and young children. She has also published numerous peer-reviewed articles and monographs and was recognized as the IUNS fellow at the 13th International Conference of Nutrition. Assoc Prof Winichagoon was the Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee for the 19th International Congress of Nutrition held in Bangkok in 2009. She obtained her MSc in Nutrition from the University of Hawaii and her PhD in International Nutrition from Cornell University, USA.

Findings from SEANUTS 2 Study: What is the Nutritional Status of Young Children in SEA? Expand
09:00-09:20 hr Findings from SEANUTS 2 Study: What is the Nutritional Status of Young Children in SEA?

Dr Ilse Tan-Khouw, Global Nutrition, FrieslandCampina Development Centre AMEA, Singapore

Dr Ilse Tan-Khouw studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands and obtained her PhD at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. She has been working for FrieslandCampina in Singapore since 2010 within the Global Nutrition team, mainly focusing on managing clinical trials but also scientific substantiation and marketing/ medical communication. She was involved in monitoring, data management and analyses of the first South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS) and since 2017, she has been the project coordinator for SEANUTS II.

Thailand  - Analysis of Recent National Food Consumption Survey Data for Identification of Gaps and Improvement of MIYC Nutrition Expand
09:20-09:40 hr Thailand  - Analysis of Recent National Food Consumption Survey Data for Identification of Gaps and Improvement of MIYC Nutrition

Assoc Prof Dr Nipa Rojroongwasinkul, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand

Dr. Nipa Rojroongwasinkul serves as the adviser at the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand, and the Nutrition Association of Thailand. She had previously served as the Institute of Nutrition's deputy director. She graduated from Kasetsart University with a Bachelor of Science in Statistics, Mahidol University with a Master of Science in Biostatistics, and a Doctorate in Demography. She has worked in the fields of food and nutrition research pertaining to nutritional epidemiology, applied statistical analysis, food composition databases, and dietary evaluation for more than 30 years. She conducted the first national food consumption survey in Thailand (2003-2005). She is involved in the development of the Growth Reference Standard for Thai Children Ages 5-19 Years and the Dietary Reference Intake and Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for the Thai People. She conducted large epidemiological studies on diet, nutrition, and chronic diseases. The activities include a project on a nutritional survey of Thai children aged 6 months-12 years (South East Asian Nutrition Surveys I; SEANUTS I Thailand, 2011-2014, multi-country study conducted in 4 countries; Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam), as well as conducting the 2nd Thailand national food consumption survey in 2013-2015. Her most recent activity is a project on a nutritional survey of Thai children aged 6 months-12 years (South East Asian Nutrition Surveys II; SEANUTS II Thailand, 2019-2022).


Indonesia - Nutritional and Dietary Data for Guidance in Addressing and Alleviation of Stunting Prevalence: Gaps and Actions Expand 09:40-10:00 hr
Indonesia - Nutritional and Dietary Data for Guidance in Addressing and Alleviation of Stunting Prevalence: Gaps and Actions (Virtual Presentation)
Dr Lovely Daisy, Nutrition and Child and Maternal Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia Philippines - Nurturing a Healthy Generation of Children: Progress, Challenges and Prospects Expand
10:30-10:50 hr 

Philippines - Nurturing a Healthy Generation of Children: Progress, Challenges and Prospects
Dr Celeste Tanchoco, Department of Science and Technology, Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI), Manila, Philippines

Dr. Celeste C. Tanchoco is the President of the Nutritionist-Dietitians' Association of the Philippines Foundation, Inc. (NDAPF, Inc.) and the Country Coordinator of the International Life Science Institute (ILSI) South East Asia Region Philippine Country Community. She was the Chief, Science Research Specialist with the rank of Scientist III of the FNRI - DOST prior to her retirement. Her professional experiences are varied, having worked as nutrition promoter, therapeutic dietitian, nutrition researcher, member of the academia and research administrator. She has been active in continuing education activities of medical and nutrition professional societies, as consultant or resource person in seminars and training programs in nutrition and dietetics. Her outstanding accomplishment at the FNRI are the development of nutrition tools, development and clinically tested the first locally produced enteral blenderized diet in the Philippines, led in the development of the first nutrition software tool system on the Philippine food exchange lists and the Renal Exchange List and conducted researches on clinical nutrition studies. She was part of the TWG in the formulation of the NGF on 1996 and was Chair in its revision in 2000 and 2012. In 2011-2012, She was the president of Nutritionist-Dietitian Association of the Philippines and Treasurer in 2013-2014, board member of Philippine association for the Study of Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) since 2015 and currently serving as Secretary. She is recipient of the Outstanding ND given by Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) in (2003) and Awardee by the Centennial Commission on Women in Health (2004).

Vietnam - Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Data from the Vietnamese General Nutrition Survey: Key Findings, Gaps and Recommendations Expand
10:50-11:10 hr

Vietnam - Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Data from the Vietnamese General Nutrition Survey: Key Findings, Gaps and Recommendations
Prof Yun Yun Gong / Dr Pui Yee Tan, University of Leeds, UK

Prof Yun Yun Gong, University of Leeds, UK

Dr Yunyun Gong is Professor of Food Safety, Nutrition and Global Health, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Her research focuses on the understanding of the impact of food safety, nutrition and global health. Large part of her research concentrated on measuring dietary exposure to food borne aflatoxins, studying its potential contribution to child malnutrition, and developing prevention and reduction strategies in Africa and Asia. More recently she has had growing research interests in the understanding of food environment and its interaction with public health especially the health of children and women. Her research goal is to benefit the society by developing effective dietary intervention measures to reduce child double burden of malnutrition. Prof Gong led the research group in conducting novel and high standard research. Her research team has generated strong impact to the society and food safety policies worldwide that the research was chosen for the UK REF impact case submission in 2022. Through the research, she has gained great experience working with international funders from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the NIEHs USA, the Royal Society UK, and the BBSRC GCRF. She collaborated widely with international partners including the World Health Organization/IARC, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and many researchers across African and Asian countries. She has served as the Expert Working Group member of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for Mycotoxins Risk Assessment, and the honorary Team Leader on risk assessment of the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA). As the Director of International Activities (DIA) of the School of Food Science and Nutrition, she is committed to the mission in raising the School and the University's international profile by developing effective School international strategy, and promoting research collaboration and student recruiting globally.

Dr Pui Yee Tan, University of Leeds, UK

As a public health nutritionist, Dr Tan Pui Yee's research interests primarily focus on identifying risk factors for the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) (including under, overnutrition and diet-related non- communicable diseases), and developing and evaluating effective interventions to prevent and manage DBM, especially in low and middle-income countries. Her PhD research investigated the effects of gene-diet interaction on obesity and metabolic risk factors, and how these factors modulate responses to dietary interventions, among multi-ethnic Malaysian adults. In 2020, she then joined the University of Leeds, UK as a research fellow, where she developed an interest in understanding the role of food environment in influencing human dietary choices and nutritional status, particularly among infants, children and adolescents. Various methodologies have been employed in her research, including nutritional epidemiological studies, mixed-methods, human experimental studies, systematic review, and meta-analysis. Her long-term research goal is to translate evidence-based interventions into practices and policies to improve population health. Dr Tan is currently engaged in a UK BBSRC-funded project focuses on identifying effective strategies to scale up evidence--based food system-based nutritional interventions to reduce double burden of childhood malnutrition in China and other Southeast Asian countries (e.g., Vietnam) who are facing similar public health challenges. These interventions include supplementation, fortification, biofortification, culturally acceptable educational materials and nutritional guidelines for schools. Additionally, she is involved in an EU-funded FoSTA-Health project, which her role entails investigating the drivers of dietary transition in Zambia, and its implications on One Health (encompassing human, animal and environmental health).

Malaysia - Strategies and Actions for MIYC and School Children in Malaysia to Address DBM and NCDs Expand
11:10 -11:30 hr

Malaysia - Strategies and Actions for MIYC and School Children in Malaysia to Address DBM and NCDs 
Assoc Prof Dr Yit Siew Chin, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Yit Siew Chin is an Associate Professor in the Community Nutrition Unit at the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Her field of specialization is community nutrition. Her specialization has led to research pursuits encompassing nutrition and health promotion, behavioural nutrition, plant-based nutrition, body composition, obesity and metabolic syndrome. She holds a pivotal role as a mainresearcher within UPM's Research Centre of Excellence Nutrition and Non-Communicable Chronic Disease (RCOE-NNCD). Dr. Chin's editorial contributions extend to BMC Public Health and the Malaysian Journal of Nutrition (Mal J Nutr), while her dedication is reflected in her positions as Honorary Secretary of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) and Vice President of the Malaysian Society of Body Composition (MSBC). Notably, she actively contributes to Ministry of Health Technical Working Groups (TWGs). As a fervent advocate for community nutrition, Dr. Chin has spearheaded diverse nutrition and health promotion initiatives within various community contexts. Currently, she plays an integral role in the Nutrition Month Malaysia National Steering Committee and serves as an expert committee member for the Healthy Kids Programme, 'Good Nutrition - Key to Healthy Children' (GNKHC) Programme, and 'Malaysia School Nutrition Promotion Programme' (MySNPP). Herleadership extends to research-based community endeavors, including the Program Cara Hidup Sihat, 'Eat Right, Be Positive About Your Body and Live Actively' (EPaL) intervention programme, School Nutrition Programme (SNP), and 'PUTRA Community Nutrition Ambassador' Programme. Driven by the conviction that continuous efforts in nutrition and health promotion are paramount for enhancing nutritional status and overall well-being, Dr. Chin's contributions stand as a testament to her unwavering commitment to the field.

Novel Tools and Biostatistics In Nutrition Epidemiology - Application and Improvement in Nutrition and Behavioral Risk Assessments for Food and Nutrition Research Expand 11:30-12:00 hr
Novel Tools and Biostatistics In Nutrition Epidemiology - Application and Improvement in Nutrition and Behavioral Risk Assessments for Food and Nutrition Research
Assoc Prof Dr Carmen Tekwe, School of Public Health-Bloomington, Indiana University, USA

Assoc Prof Dr Carmen Tekwe, School of Public Health-Bloomington, Indiana University, USA

Assoc Prof Dr Carmen Tekwe is an associate professor at Indiana University in Bloomington. Her research interests include statistical methodology to better assess big data such as accelerometry and dietary intake data. She is the PI of an NIDDK-funded R01 focused on statistical methods for measurement error correction in device-based measures of physical activity and self-reported dietary intake. She has served as a consultant to the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and was recently appointed to a committee with the organization. She is an associate editor for Statistics in Medicine. She received both her bachelor's and master's degrees in statistics from the University of Florida and earned her doctoral degree in biostatistics from the University at Buffalo.

Session 2: Break-out Roundtable  - Data Gaps, Strategy and Action Recommendation
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Expand Key topics:
- Data Gaps
- Strategy
- Action FGD Presentations Expand Reflection: Potentials of Data to Advance Maternal and Child Nutrition Agenda in Southeast Asia Expand 14:20 -14:30 hr Reflection: Potentials of Data to Advance Maternal and Child Nutrition Agenda in Southeast Asia
Assoc Prof Dr Emorn Udomkesmalee, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand

Associate Professor Dr Emorn Udomkesmalee is the Senior Advisor and Former Director of the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. She holds a current position of Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of International Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Internationally, she's the former Board Chair of IFPRI; former Member of the Board of Directors of the Micronutrient Forum as well as Sight and Life Foundation Board of Trustees.  She currently serves on various international positions:  Paris Peace Forum-Independent Expert Panel for Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G) 2025; the Country Working Group of the Standing Together for Nutrition (ST4N) Consortium; Technical Advisory Group for Global Anemia Exemplars; Scientific Committee of Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy; International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Global Board and Scientific Director of ILSI Southeast Asia Region. At national level, she holds the position of the Eminent Panel member under the National Policy Council on Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation; Chair of Sub-Committee on Agriculture and Nutrition, Office of Atoms for Peace (Thailand) as well as Board member of Ajinomoto Foundation/Thailand.

Her research interests include micronutrients; efficacy of food-based interventions; maternal and child nutrition policy and program implementation. She received her Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry and metabolism from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA in 1985. Her post-doctoral training was at the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, USA (1987).


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If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the following:

ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Tel: 65 6352 5220
Email: [post_title] => Seminar and Roundtable on Enhancing Data on MIYC Nutritional and Health Status for Guidance and Program Development in Southeast Asia [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => miyc-2024 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-11-12 16:47:51 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-12 16:47:51 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [3] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 30161 [post_author] => 353 [post_date] => 2024-08-15 08:01:27 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-15 08:01:27 [post_content] => Header_PrecisionAgriculture


Agriculture-communication technology

Technological change is occurring at an unprecedented rate in the global agri-food value chain. New biotechnologies are a major part of this transformational change, including precision agriculture technology and new plant breeding techniques such as gene editing for targeted modification of plant genomes. In combination with innovative practices for monitoring and managing food and agricultural systems, they are opening up new pathways to delivering sustainable food production systems of the future.

It is, thus, important that key stakeholders along the value chain and regulatory authorities share the latest scientific knowledge on the

safety assessment, updates on status and advancement as well as regulatory approach towards potential adoption of these technologies. There is also increasing recognition of needs to engage and educate the broader community and consumers through innovative communication tools to impart knowledge and mitigate any misperception of these technologies.

This seminar to be held back-to-back in Singapore and Malaysia aims to bring together key stakeholders to share scientific updates and facilitate stakeholders' engagement, addressing issues and perspectives on new biotechnologies, safety assessment, regulatory development and communication strategies.


Malaysia, September 18, 2024 Expand

Singapore, September 19, 2024 Expand

Note: Topic and title of presentations are subject to change upon final confirmation with invited speakers.

Download Malaysia Program Download Singapore Program


Malaysia, September 18, 2024 Expand

Dato' Dr Mohamad Zabawi bin Abdul Ghani, Director General, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Malaysia

Dato' Dr. Mohamad Zabawi serves as the Director-General of MARDI and possesses expertise in soil science, particularly in soil conservation, agroecological zonation, climate change, green technology, and water stress physiology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Water Stress Physiology and an M.Sc. in Tropical Agriculture from The Reading University in 2006 and 1993, respectively. His B.Sc. in Agriculture Science, specializing in Soil Physics and Conservation, was earned from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1988. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Zabawi is actively engaged in various climate change-related committees and has delivered technical papers on climate change, green technology, and biomass energy in local and international forums, while also contributing to environmental publications.

Mr Timothy Harrison, Regional Agricultural Counselor, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)

TMr Timothy Harrison joined the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur in July 2021 as regional agricultural counselor for Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. In this role, he oversees the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) activities in the region, including crop reporting and forecasts, trade promotion, and bilateral cooperation on agriculture and food security.  Previously, Mr Harrison was FAS's first head of post in Astana, Kazakhstan.  He has also served as agricultural attaché in Mexico City and worked at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C.  Prior to joining USDA, Mr Harrison worked on agricultural trade policy issues and market development in the private sector.  He holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from the University of California, Davis, and a master's degree in International Trade and Investment Policy from George Washington University.

Mr Geoffry Smith, ILSI SEA Region

Mr. Geoffry Smith is President of ILSI Southeast Asia Region based in Singapore, and a Representative of the branch to the ILSI Global Assembly. He is also the Chairman of the Essential Micronutrients Foundation, a non-profit organization which addresses micronutrient deficiencies globally as a public health issue. In addition, he is Director of Nutrition Strategies International which deals with food and nutrition issues in developing countries. Mr. Smith serves as a member of the editorial board of the journal Food and Nutrition Bulletin. Prior to his current positions, Mr. Smith was the Global Director, Health Chelates for Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals, and directed the global business for these compounds in food and nutrition as well as pharmaceutical applications. He was responsible for the global project within Akzo Nobel addressing iron deficiency anemia.

Prof Wayne Allen Parrott, Professor, University of Georgia, USA

Prof. Wayne Allen Parrott received a degree in agronomy from the University of Kentucky, and MS and PhD degrees in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He joined the faculty at the University of Georgia in 1988, where he is now a Distinguished Research Professor. Since arriving at Georgia, he has been conducting research on the development, use and safety of transgenic (i.e., GM) and edited crop plants, using grant monies from USDA-NIFA, NSF, DOE and the United Soybean Board. He has published a guide for environmental risk assessment of GMOs, along with ~ 120 journal articles in refereed publications and 15 book chapters. He has served terms on the editorial boards of Plant Cell ReportsPlant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, and Crop Science. He has served as elected chair of the biotechnology section of the Crop Science Society of America and of the plant section of the Society for In Vitro Biology, and is a fellow of both societies, as well as of the AAAS. He served a term as a co-director for the NSF Plant Genome Research Program, and currently serves as the past-secretary and annual meeting program chair for the American Society of Plant Biologists. He is actively engaged in training graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and teaches graduate-level courses in crop genetics. He formerly taught undergraduate courses in agroecology and sustainable agriculture. He has traveled extensively throughout Latin America and other countries, and advised legislators and regulators in the various countries on the requisites for a functional regulatory system that ensures the safety of GM products.

Mr Amin Asyraf Tamizi, Research Officer, Agri-Omics and Bioinformatics Programme, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Research Centre, MARDI, Malaysia

Mr Amin Asyraf Tamizi is a Research Officer at the Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Research Centre, MARDI, where his current research focuses on CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing of local rice cultivars and the molecular systematics of Nepenthes carnivorous pitcher plants in Peninsular Malaysia.
Mr Amin graduated from Michigan State University, the United States, in 2013 with a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology. His core expertise lies in Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology, and he has served MARDI for ten years (since 2014). During this time, he has been integral to the team that genetically engineered disease-resistant Arabidopsis, rice and papaya, and recently he developed a new CRISPR/Cas9 delivery system for local rice. Additionally, Mr Amin has applied his expertise in molecular systematics to identify and publish several new species of Nepenthes pitcher plants that he and his team discovered in remote mountains. His research findings have been published in nearly 20 journal papers covering the fields of genomics, genetic engineering, gene editing, and molecular taxonomy.

Dr Kumitaa Theva Das, Senior Lecturer, Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

 Dr. Kumitaa Theva Das completed her BSc in the US and did her PhD in one of the pioneer labs of genome editing in the US. With more than fifteen years of experience in genome editing, she focuses on developing CRISPR as a therapeutic tool against infectious diseases.
Her national and international funded CRISPR projects have been published in high-impact journals including Nature Medicine and Nature's Scientific Reports, and garnered her numerous awards, including one which led to her attachment at the University of Oxford.
Dr. Kumitaa Theva Das is a co-chair for one of the sub-groups of Malaysia's Genetic Modification Advisory Committee and is part of the ad hoc technical expert group on genome editing under the United Nations Environment Program. She also works with international bodies to improve policies to make genome editing as a gene therapy accessible to low- and middle-income countries.
Dr. Kumitaa Theva Das frequently shares her expertise in genome editing through public speaking engagements, including TEDx talks and appearances in mass media.

Dr Tan Yong Quan, Covering Specialist Team Lead, Bioengineering, National Centre for Food Science, Singapore Food Agency, Singapore

Dr. Tan Yong Quan is the Covering Specialist Team Lead of the Bioengineering Team at the National Centre for Food Science under the Singapore Food Agency (SFA). He is leading risk assessment and regulatory work related to foods enabled by modern biotechnology at the SFA. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the National University of Singapore.

Dr Gabriel Romero, Executive Director, Philippines Seed Industry Association (PSIA), Philippines

Dr. Gabriel Romero is the Executive Director of The Philippine Seed Industry Association (PSIA), and Country Head Philippines of North Hill Group. Prior to that, he was the Senior Regulatory & Scientific Affairs Lead of Monsanto Philippines for 10 years. He also served as Genebank Manager, Director of Crop Biotechnology Center and Acting Deputy Executive Director for Research at the Philippine Rice Research Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Genetics from University of California, Davis, USA, and a Master of Philosophy in Plant Breeding from the University of Cambridge, UK, and a BS in Biology from the University of the Philippines at Los Baños. Among his awards are The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM), Outstanding Young Scientist from the National Academy of Science and Technology, and Faces of Biotechnology from the Department of Agriculture.

Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Executive Director, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center (MABIC), Malaysia

Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan is the Global Coordinator of the BioTrust-ISAAA and the Executive Director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC). She has a PhD in science communication and Master of Biotechnology from University of Malaya, and a degree in Microbiology from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Petri Dish ­- the first science newspaper in Malaysia and also co-founded Science Media Centre Malaysia. She started the Asian Short Course on Agribiotechnology, Biosafety Regulations and Communications (ASCA) and developed the 1st science communication training programme for scientists in Malaysia. Maha also initiated the Science Communication Advisory Board under COMSTECH (Pakistan) to promote science communication in OIC Member States. She is an Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University Malaysia and AIMST University; sits on Industry Advisory Panel for seven universities; and served as a Biosafety Outreach specialist for UN FAO, Sri Lanka. Maha is listed as the world's 100 most influential people in biotechnology by Scientific American Worldview 2015. She is also listed in the honorific list of Women in Biotechnology Law and Regulation, Biotechnology Law Report (USA) 2015. Maha won the 2010 Third World Academy of Science Regional Prize for Public Understanding of Science for East, Southeast Asia and Pacific Region. She is a board member of the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and is also on the advisory board for Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation (Iran), Alliance for Science (USA); and Farming Future Bangladesh; and Genetic Literacy Project (USA). Maha is also on the editorial board of the European Federation of Bioeconomy Journal. She is also on the Selangor Bio Advisory Council to provide advice on bioeconomy development in the state. She has published chapters, papers and articles on science/biotech communication, bioeconomy and biotechnology development.

Prof Dr Rofina Yasmin Othman, Honorary Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. Yasmin, is an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Universiti Malaya having served the University as an academic, researcher and administrator for more than 30 years.  Her research explored the application of molecular tools to facilitate solutions for agriculture particularly of tropical crops. Concurrently she has a keen interest in policies, ethics and socioeconomics of science and technology. She was a two-term member of the National Biosafety Council and is currently a member of the National Bioethics council. She is a fellow and council member of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and is the chairman of MRANTI Corporation, a National Technology Commercialization Accelerator and Technology Park initiative reflecting her experience in this area. This included secondments as Undersecretary of the National Biotechnology Division at the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation and appointments as Director of the University's tech transfer office (UMCIC). She is also currently chairman of Life Science Venture firm Xeraya Capital and founder of Leaf Edge Technologies, an innovation platform focusing on promoting uptake of advances in plant science R&D.

Ms Li Xin Kang, Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC) Secretariat, Singapore

Ms Kang Li Xin serves as the Secretariat for Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC) Singapore, which is a national advisory committee tasked with overseeing and offering scientifically rigorous advice on the research, development, production, release, use, and handling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) within Singapore. Through supporting the Subcommittee of Public Awareness in GMAC, she organises outreach activities aimed to enhance the public's awareness and understanding of GM technology. Ms Li Xin is also part of the Research Office in Agency for Science, Technology and Research in Singapore (A*STAR) where she contributes to the governance of research in A*STAR, in compliant with the Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA).


Singapore, September 19, 2024 Expand

Mr Timothy Harrison, Regional Agricultural Counselor, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)

Mr Timothy Harrison joined the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur in July 2021 as regional agricultural counselor for Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. In this role, he oversees the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) activities in the region, including crop reporting and forecasts, trade promotion, and bilateral cooperation on agriculture and food security.  Previously, Mr Harrison was FAS's first head of post in Astana, Kazakhstan.  He has also served as agricultural attaché in Mexico City and worked at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C.  Prior to joining USDA, Mr Harrison worked on agricultural trade policy issues and market development in the private sector.  He holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from the University of California, Davis, and a master's degree in International Trade and Investment Policy from George Washington University.

Mr Geoffry Smith, ILSI SEA Region

Mr. Geoffry Smith is President of ILSI Southeast Asia Region based in Singapore, and a Representative of the branch to the ILSI Global Assembly. He is also the Chairman of the Essential Micronutrients Foundation, a non-profit organization which addresses micronutrient deficiencies globally as a public health issue. In addition, he is Director of Nutrition Strategies International which deals with food and nutrition issues in developing countries. Mr. Smith serves as a member of the editorial board of the journal Food and Nutrition Bulletin. Prior to his current positions, Mr. Smith was the Global Director, Health Chelates for Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals, and directed the global business for these compounds in food and nutrition as well as pharmaceutical applications. He was responsible for the global project within Akzo Nobel addressing iron deficiency anemia.

Prof Paul Teng, Dean and Managing Director, National Institute of Education International (NIEI), Nanyang Technology University, Singapore

Prof. Paul Teng is Dean and Managing Director of NIE International Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow, Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU Singapore; Senior Fellow, Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), Philippines and Associate Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Singapore. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in food security, commercialization and biosafety of crop biotechnology, agrotechnology innovations/ systems agriculture, bio-entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. He has over thirty years of experience in agri-food issues from positions in international organizations (the International Rice Research Institute, WorldFish Centre), U.S. universities (University of Minnesota, University of Hawaii) and the private sector. Prof. Teng currently is science adviser to two venture funds and several startups in the agtech and biotech space in the U.K. and Singapore.

Prof. Teng has won numerous awards for his work such as the Eriksson Prize in Plant Pathology (Royal Swedish Academy of Science), an Honorary Doctor of Science (from Murdoch University, Australia) and is a Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society, the International Society of Plant Pathology, and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). He is a Past-Chair, Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore and is also Immediate Past Chairman, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) Inc. He has edited/co-edited fifteen books, authored/co-authored four books and published over 250 technical papers. His latest edited book (2024) is "Food Security Issues in Asia".

Prof Wayne Allen Parrott, Professor, University of Georgia, USA

Prof. Wayne Allen Parrott received a degree in agronomy from the University of Kentucky, and MS and PhD degrees in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He joined the faculty at the University of Georgia in 1988, where he is now a Distinguished Research Professor. Since arriving at Georgia, he has been conducting research on the development, use and safety of transgenic (i.e., GM) and edited crop plants, using grant monies from USDA-NIFA, NSF, DOE and the United Soybean Board. He has published a guide for environmental risk assessment of GMOs, along with ~ 120 journal articles in refereed publications and 15 book chapters. He has served terms on the editorial boards of Plant Cell ReportsPlant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, and Crop Science. He has served as elected chair of the biotechnology section of the Crop Science Society of America and of the plant section of the Society for In Vitro Biology, and is a fellow of both societies, as well as of the AAAS. He served a term as a co-director for the NSF Plant Genome Research Program, and currently serves as the past-secretary and annual meeting program chair for the American Society of Plant Biologists. He is actively engaged in training graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and teaches graduate-level courses in crop genetics. He formerly taught undergraduate courses in agroecology and sustainable agriculture. He has traveled extensively throughout Latin America and other countries, and advised legislators and regulators in the various countries on the requisites for a functional regulatory system that ensures the safety of GM products.

Assoc Prof Tan Meng How, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) & Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC),  Singapore

Assoc Prof Meng How Tan is a tenured associate professor in the School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his bachelor's degrees in mechanical engineering and economics from University of California Berkeley, his master's degrees in aeronautics and biomedical engineering from California Institute of Technology and NTU respectively, and his PhD in developmental biology from Stanford University. After postdoctoral training in Stanford, he returned to Singapore to set up his independent laboratory, focusing on the basic biology and translational applications of DNA and RNA editing. To date, he has published corresponding authored papers in top academic journals, including Nature, Nature Methods, Nature Chemical Biology, and Nature Communications. He received the Outstanding Young Principal Investigator Award from AIChE-SLS in 2019 and was named an EMBO Global Investigator in 2020.

Dr Tan Yong Quan, Covering Specialist Team Lead, Bioengineering, National Centre for Food Science, Singapore Food Agency, Singapore

Dr. Tan Yong Quan is the Covering Specialist Team Lead of the Bioengineering Team at the National Centre for Food Science under the Singapore Food Agency (SFA). He is leading risk assessment and regulatory work related to foods enabled by modern biotechnology at the SFA. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the National University of Singapore.

Dr Gabriel Romero, Executive Director, Philippines Seed Industry Association (PSIA), Philippines

Dr. Gabriel Romero is the Executive Director of The Philippine Seed Industry Association (PSIA), and Country Head Philippines of North Hill Group. Prior to that, he was the Senior Regulatory & Scientific Affairs Lead of Monsanto Philippines for 10 years. He also served as Genebank Manager, Director of Crop Biotechnology Center and Acting Deputy Executive Director for Research at the Philippine Rice Research Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Genetics from University of California, Davis, USA, and a Master of Philosophy in Plant Breeding from the University of Cambridge, UK, and a BS in Biology from the University of the Philippines at Los Baños. Among his awards are The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM), Outstanding Young Scientist from the National Academy of Science and Technology, and Faces of Biotechnology from the Department of Agriculture.

Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Executive Director, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center (MABIC), Malaysia

Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan is the Global Coordinator of the BioTrust-ISAAA and the Executive Director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC). She has a PhD in science communication and Master of Biotechnology from University of Malaya, and a degree in Microbiology from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Petri Dish ­- the first science newspaper in Malaysia and also co-founded Science Media Centre Malaysia. She started the Asian Short Course on Agribiotechnology, Biosafety Regulations and Communications (ASCA) and developed the 1st science communication training programme for scientists in Malaysia. Maha also initiated the Science Communication Advisory Board under COMSTECH (Pakistan) to promote science communication in OIC Member States. She is an Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University Malaysia and AIMST University; sits on Industry Advisory Panel for seven universities; and served as a Biosafety Outreach specialist for UN FAO, Sri Lanka. Maha is listed as the world's 100 most influential people in biotechnology by Scientific American Worldview 2015. She is also listed in the honorific list of Women in Biotechnology Law and Regulation, Biotechnology Law Report (USA) 2015. Maha won the 2010 Third World Academy of Science Regional Prize for Public Understanding of Science for East, Southeast Asia and Pacific Region. She is a board member of the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and is also on the advisory board for Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation (Iran), Alliance for Science (USA); and Farming Future Bangladesh; and Genetic Literacy Project (USA). Maha is also on the editorial board of the European Federation of Bioeconomy Journal. She is also on the Selangor Bio Advisory Council to provide advice on bioeconomy development in the state. She has published chapters, papers and articles on science/biotech communication, bioeconomy and biotechnology development.

Dr Andrew D. Powell,CEO, Asia BioBusiness Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Dr Andrew Powell is the CEO of Asia BioBusiness Pte. Ltd. and also acts a Global Senior International Industry Advisor to Edinburgh Innovations, the commercialisation arm of Edinburgh University. He has worked as a consultant since 1995, primarily focusing on the agriculture and food sectors. Projects have included agri-food sector policy, food security, agtech and food tech, and management of open innovation systems. Clients come from both the private (MNCs and SMEs) and public sectors. Dr Powell is a highly effective resource mobiliser with a global network across all areas of life science but especially in food and agriculture. He has been active in Risk Communication for more than 20 years, conducting training and offering advice to both public and private sector clients.
Dr Powell is the driving force behind the Communications Leadership in Future Foods Program (CLIFF) that seeks to improve engagement with consumers by utilising risk communication strategies. He is also Chairman of the not-for-profit Agri-Biotech Knowledge Information Centre Ltd. in Singapore, and is a mentor for The Yield Lab Asia Pacific and Big Idea Ventures agri-foodtech accelerators in Singapore, as well as SVG Ventures | THRIVE in N. America.
Dr Powell graduated from the University of Edinburgh with honours in Biology and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Calgary. He has held research and academic positions at the University of Guelph, the National Institute for Health Sciences in Tokyo, and Tsukuba, Japan and the National University of Singapore.

Prof Dr Rofina Yasmin Othman, Honorary Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. Yasmin, is an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Universiti Malaya having served the University as an academic, researcher and administrator for more than 30 years.  Her research explored the application of molecular tools to facilitate solutions for agriculture particularly of tropical crops. Concurrently she has a keen interest in policies, ethics and socioeconomics of science and technology. She was a two-term member of the National Biosafety Council and is currently a member of the National Bioethics council. She is a fellow and council member of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and is the chairman of MRANTI Corporation, a National Technology Commercialization Accelerator and Technology Park initiative reflecting her experience in this area. This included secondments as Undersecretary of the National Biotechnology Division at the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation and appointments as Director of the University's tech transfer office (UMCIC). She is also currently chairman of Life Science Venture firm Xeraya Capital and founder of Leaf Edge Technologies, an innovation platform focusing on promoting uptake of advances in plant science R&D.

Ms Mazlina Banu Jaikubali, Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC) Secretariat, Singapore

Ms Mazlina Banu Jaikubali serves as a Secretariat for the Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC) in Singapore. In this role, she provides essential support to the national advisory committee tasked with overseeing and offering scientifically rigorous advice on the research, development, production, release, use, and handling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) within Singapore. As part of GMAC's Subcommittee for Public Awareness,  Ms Mazlina plays a key role in organizing outreach activities aimed at enhancing public awareness and understanding of GMOs. She is also part of the A*STAR Institutional Review Board (IRB) Secretariat, operating under the Research Office of A*STAR. This position involves contributing to the ethical review processes of research initiatives, ensuring they meet the standards and regulations set by A*STAR and authorities.



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If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the following:

For Malaysia:
Dr. Rogayah Sekeli and/or Dr. Zulkifli Ahmad Seman
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)
Email: ; For Singapore:
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Tel: 65 6352 5220
Email: [post_title] => Seminar on Precision Agriculture and Gene Editing Technology for Sustainable Food Production – Science and Communication [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => precision-agriculture-gene-editing-2024 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-09-18 01:55:20 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-18 01:55:20 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [4] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 30021 [post_author] => 353 [post_date] => 2024-02-02 09:15:30 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-02-02 09:15:30 [post_content] => Header.Rethink Carbohydrates

Over the past two decades, advances in scientific research have led to increasing evidence of the beneficial role of complex carbohydrates, in providing important micronutrients, dietary fiber and phytochemical, as well as some with specific components that serve certain functional benefits. In line with these increasing scientific evidence of regulatory development having taken place, especially pertaining to health claims. There is on the other hand on-going scientific debates, popular trends and social media coverage that have centered on the types and amount of carbohydrates intake in relation to health conditions such as overweight, diabetes and hyperlipidemia, with resulting confusion for consumers and misperception of dietary carbohydrates.

The 1-day IN-PERSON symposium will revisit the role of carbohydrates in human nutrition, providing scientific and regulatory updates from experts, researchers, and regional regulatory personnel. It will discuss scientific approaches, identify research gaps, and recommend dietary guidance and food regulations for health promotion and disease prevention in the SEA population.

Click below to download the Summary Report:

Download Summary Report


Opening and Welcome Remarks Expand

Mrs. Boon Yee Yeong is the Executive Director of ILSI SEA Region, based in Singapore. ILSI SEA Region was established as a regional branch of the world-wide scientific-foundation ILSI in 1993, covering ASEAN and Australasia. Mrs. Yeong oversees the Branch's operation, scientific programs and partnership activities, working closely with stakeholders from private sectors, leading academic institutions, international organizations and key government and health agencies throughout the vast geographical region. ILSI SEA Region facilitates programs that address pertinent nutrition, food safety and sustainability topics as well as issues for the improvement scientific decision for public health benefits.
Mrs. Yeong obtained her BSc and Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics from Kings College (previously Queen Elizabeth College) University of London, and has over the past decades actively served to build scientific capacity and nutrition improvement for the target population in the region. Dr. Mahenderan Appukutty is an Associate Professor of Sports Nutrition and Coordinator of the Sports and Wellness Clinic at the Faculty of Sports Science & Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia. He has served as the Vice President (2020-2024) and Assistant Hon Secretary (2006-2020) of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) before taking office as President in 2024. Dr. Appukutty also serves as Vice President of the Malaysian Association of Sports Medicine (MASM) and Council Member of the Malaysian Society of Body Composition (MSBC). He was elected to the Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies (FANS) as an Executive Council Member (2019-2023). In 2021, he was appointed Scientific Advisor of the ILSI SEA Region. He also serves on the Clinical Care Committee for the World Obesity Federation since 2013. Dr. Appukutty's research interests and focus are on functional food and exercise science. He was awarded as a Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (FNSM) in 2016 and a Fellow of the Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity (FMASO) in 2022. He chairs the Malaysian Vegetarian Dietary Guidelines (MoH) and contributed as a key writer for the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines. He has worked closely in the capacity building of nutritionists in the region (Southeast Asia Nutrition Leadership Program, SEAMEO-RECFON, Indonesia) and also served as Chairperson of the Malaysian Nutrition Leadership Programme (MyNLP) and South East Asia Public Health Nutrition Leadership Programme (SEAPHN LP).
Dr Appukutty holds a PhD in Nutritional Sciences focusing on nutrition, immunity, and exercise performance from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, an MSc in Sports Science from Universiti Sains Malaysia, and a BSc (Hons) in Nutrition and Community Health from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Ms. Ts. Zailina Abdul Majid, a Food Technologist since 2000 in Ministry of Health, by qualification, holds a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Technology (Food Technology), University of Science Malaysia (1995) and a Master of Science (Food Science), National University of Malaysia (2013).
At present, she is the Director for the Policy, Strategic Planning and Codex Standard Division, Food Safety and Quality Programme under the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Her main responsibilities are on formulating of national policies on food safety, promulgation of national legislation, overseeing the management of food analysis, risk assessment, and communication and consumerism activities. She is also responsible in managing international issues of Codex, WTO, SPS and TBT, regional issues pertaining to ASEAN, APEC, etc, including bilateral, multilateral agreements as well as FTAs.  She also attends Codex, ASEAN and other international meetings to ensure Malaysia's positions are upheld.
She is also the Secretary for the Malaysian Food Analyst Council, Assistant to the Chair for Codex Committee of Fats and Oils and at the ASEAN level, and Vice Chair for the Task Force for ASEAN Food Safety Regulatory Framework Agreement (TF AFSRF). Session 1: Carbohydrates and Its Role in Human Nutrition and Public Health Guidance Expand

Mr. Geoffry Smith is President of ILSI Southeast Asia Region based in Singapore, and a Representative of the branch to the ILSI Global Assembly. He is also the Chairman of the Essential Micronutrients Foundation, a non-profit organization which addresses micronutrient deficiencies globally as a public health issue. In addition, he is Director of Nutrition Strategies International which deals with food and nutrition issues in developing countries. Mr. Smith serves as a member of the editorial board of the journal Food and Nutrition Bulletin. Prior to his current positions, Mr. Smith was the Global Director, Health Chelates for Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals, and directed the global business for these compounds in food and nutrition as well as pharmaceutical applications. He was responsible for the global project within Akzo Nobel addressing iron deficiency anemia.

Prof. Christiani Jeyakumar Henry is currently Senior Advisor, BMRC, A*STAR, Singapore. Until recently, he was Deputy Executive Director of the Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI) and the Director of the Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, A*STAR. He trained initially as a food scientist. He obtained his MSc and PhD in Nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He was a Board member of UK Food Standards Agency. Prof. Henry is on the Board of Directors of International Life Sciences Institute South East Asia Region (ILSI SEA Region), and Advisory board of Monell Chemical Senses Centre, USA. In 2010, he was awarded the British Nutrition Foundation prize for his outstanding contribution to nutrition. He was made a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Scientists and Technologists (2012). Prof. Henry was recipient of the NutraIngredients-Asia NutraChampion Awards 2019, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) - W.K. Kellogg International Food Security Award & Lectureship 2019, 100 Most Influential Asian Scientist - 2019 Edition, Asian Scientist Magazine, and the prestigious Niigata International Food Award 2018 known as "Asian World Food Prize". He was the scientific commentator on the highly successful TV program "Food Detective. He continues to be actively engaged in improving the food and nutritional status of people in the ASEAN region and beyond.

Prof. Joanne Slavin is a professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, teaching Advanced Human Nutrition. She holds BS, MS, and PhD degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Registered Dietitian (RDN). Notably, Prof. Slavin was a member of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), contributing significantly to the national nutrition guidelines.
Prof. Slavin's extensive research contributions include over 350 scientific articles covering diverse topics such as dietary fiber, carbohydrates, whole grains, protein, snacking, gut health, brain health, and sustainable agriculture. In addition, she had delivered over 400 scientific presentations globally. Prof. Slavin also actively engages in science communication initiatives as a Science Communicator for the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), while also holding membership in esteemed scientific societies such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and the American Society for Nutrition (ASN).

Dr. E Siong Tee is Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultanc, Malaysia. He is also Adjunct Professor for International Medical University and a Member of the Board of Directors of ILSI SEA Region and Scientific Coordinator of ILSI Malaysia Country Committee. Dr. Tee was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He is a member of several Technical Working Groups of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the committees related to Malaysian Food Regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network in 2014 and is the current Chairman of the Network.

Session 2: Science of Carbohydrate Quality and Its Impact on Health Expand

Prof. Christiani Jeyakumar Henry is currently Senior Advisor, BMRC, A*STAR, Singapore. Until recently, he was Deputy Executive Director of the Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI) and the Director of the Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, A*STAR. He trained initially as a food scientist. He obtained his MSc and PhD in Nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He was a Board member of UK Food Standards Agency. Prof. Henry is on the Board of Directors of International Life Sciences Institute South East Asia Region (ILSI SEA Region), and Advisory board of Monell Chemical Senses Centre, USA. In 2010, he was awarded the British Nutrition Foundation prize for his outstanding contribution to nutrition. He was made a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Scientists and Technologists (2012). Prof. Henry was recipient of the NutraIngredients-Asia NutraChampion Awards 2019, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) - W.K. Kellogg International Food Security Award & Lectureship 2019, 100 Most Influential Asian Scientist - 2019 Edition, Asian Scientist Magazine, and the prestigious Niigata International Food Award 2018 known as "Asian World Food Prize". He was the scientific commentator on the highly successful TV program "Food Detective. He continues to be actively engaged in improving the food and nutritional status of people in the ASEAN region and beyond.

Dr. Amy Lin is a Senior Principal Scientist leading the Food Carbohydrate Platform at the Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation at A*STAR, a Singapore government research entity. Her general research area is carbohydrates and health and structure-function relationships of carbohydrates. Amy's particular interest is slowing the starch degradation process into glucose and controlling carbohydrate utilisation between digestion and colonic fermentation. She is an expert in starch degradation enzymes and starch molecular & granular structure, and she is experienced in potato and wheat quality. Dr. Lin is a former faculty member at Purdue University (USA), the University of Idaho (USA), and Washington State University (USA) and a visiting associate professor at the National Taiwan University (Taiwan). She formerly served as the Chair of the Carbohydrate Division at IFT and AACCI (renamed "Cereals & Grains Association); a Scientific Committee member for the past conferences of Food Hydrocolloids and IUFoST. Dr. Lin is also an Associate Editor of Cereal Chemistry and Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre and has a leading role in Starch Digestion Consortium Inc. (non-profit).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrew Holmes has general interests in microbial diversity, its evolutionary origins and ecological applications. He did his PhD studies at the University of Queensland before postdoctoral stints at the University of Warwick, UK and Macquarie University. In 2002 he joined the University of Sydney where he is now Associate Professor in the School of Molecular Bioscience and Microbiome Project node leader in the Charles Perkins Centre. He has particular interests in the relationship between food and health. His research focusses on how diet manipulation via food components influences the host-microbiome interaction and potential for informing public health guidelines or diet interventions in chronic disease. He is currently a Fellow of Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

Dr. Koo Hui Chin is an associate professor at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology. She received her Ph.D. (Nutrition) from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2017. She started her first career as a clinical dietician in the Ministry of Health from 2007 until 2013, prior to pursuing her PhD. She is one of the writers for the revision of "Strategy for the Prevention of Obesity-Malaysia", (SPOM), a national level guideline. Several awards have been received by her, such as the Outstanding Researcher Award from Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology and the Publication Prize Award from the Nutrition Society of Malaysia. She has authored and co-authored a number of research papers related to whole grain, diabetes, childhood obesity and chrono-nutrition. Several research grants have been awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education and other institutions to conduct studies, particularly in whole grain, diabetes and chrono-nutrition. Dr. Koo was featured in leading local newspapers, sharing her knowledge of nutritional health too. She is quite skilled at altering healthy dishes and has a passion for nutrition.

Session 3: Science and Innovation Updates in Carbohydrates Expand

Asst. Prof. Anadi Nitithamyong spent her academic career at the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University (INMU), Thailand where she served as the Deputy Director for Education and Special Affairs from 2008 to 2011 and Deputy Director for Policy and Planning from 2015 to 2016. Her research interest and experience involve food processing and product development for nutritional and functional purposes, particularly in dietary fibre related areas.  Currently, she is the Immediate Past President of the Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand (FoSTAT), and a member of the Nutrition Association of Thailand (NAT).  She is also a member of the Panel of Science Advisors of ILSI SEA Region and is the Coordinator of its Thailand Country Committee. Dr. Nitithamyong received her PhD in Food Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

Dr. Sophie Vinoy obtained her PhD from the French Paris University of life science in human physiology. She is the nutrition senior group leader in global research department of Mondelēz International. She is strongly involved in the European International Life Science Institute at the cross section of academic and industrial scientific partnership. Her primary interest is the impact of food on postprandial metabolism linked to metabolic disease prevention involving food behaviour, low grade inflammation and microbiota modulation. Her main publications are on carbohydrate metabolism and investigated specifically health interest of starch digestibility, as well as satiety. She is co-author of several patents related to foods and health interest.

Dr. Santad Wichienchot is an Associate Professor, Director of Center of Excellence in Functional Foods and Gastronomy, and Vice Dean for Research Innovation and International Affairs, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand. His research focuses on functional carbohydrates, prebiotics, functional food/ingredient for gut-brain health. He is research program administrator, principal investigator and co-investigator of 38 completed research projects in last 16 years. He holds 12 patents and research collaboration with 12 companies. He has published 48 articles in the last 5 years in peer-reviewed and internationally referred Food Science & Technology and Life Science Journals. He had been published 5 book chapters, 1) "Prebiotic oligosaccharides: origins and production, health benefits and commercial applications" in 2011; 2) "Prebiotics and dietary fibers from food processing by-products"; 3) "Sustainability of nutraceuticals and functional foods" had been published in John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in 2017.; 4) "Polyphenols from food processing by-products and their microbiota-gut-brain axis based health benefits", had been published in 2021 by Elsevier. 5) "Dietary fibers: Structural aspects and nutritional implications. In Food Hydrocolloids Functionalities and Applications" had been published in 2021, Springer Nature Inc. He is invited speaker and participate in international conferences. He is currently serving as reviewer in several International Journals in Food and Health Sciences. Dr.Santad Wichienchot received his PhD in Biotechnology with Food Science and Technology background. He had experience in research work on prebiotics and gut microbiota at University of Reading, UK during he was studying in PhD. and during postdoctoral study. He got a Best PSU Advisor in Science and Technology Award in 2020 and a Best PSU Researcher in Science and Technology and Health Science Award in 2022.

Dr. Sangeetha Shyam is currently a Maria Zambrano Fellow at the Rovira i Virgili University, IISPV & CIBEROBN, Spain. She is a Working Group Member of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies, that develops guidelines to improve reporting standards in nutrition trials internationally. Dr. Shyam is an esteemed alumna of the Interstellar Initiative by the New York Academy of Sciences and the Japanese Agency for Medical Research & Development, which recognizes promising early-career researchers. Prior to her fellowship, she served as a Senior Lecturer at the International Medical University, Malaysia, from 2013 until 2022. Her scholarly achievements include 40 peer-reviewed publications, 3 invited editorials, 4 book chapters, and 1 international technical report.
Some of Dr. Shyam's research work includes a year-long dietary trial targeting metabolic risks in Malaysian women with prior Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), which includes programming a Malaysian Diet Database Calculator and a project exploring the association between nutrition transitions and obesity using nationwide datasets. Her international postdoctoral research work in the UK, Spain and Singapore focused on obesity, dietary patterns, pancreatic cancer and glycemic index values of non-Western foods.
Dr. Shyam actively participates in research dissemination and capacity building. She is an Associate Editor for the Malaysian Journal of Nutrition and has organized conferences, chaired sessions, presented internationally, and delivered public talks for the Ministry of Health, Malaysia & Nutrition Society of Malaysia. She was recently elected as a Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia for recognition of her contributions towards nutrition in the country.

Dr. Stephan Theis is Head of Nutrition Science and Communication at BENEO-Institute. His responsibilities include the scientific research activities on the nutritional and health benefits of Beneo's functional carbohydrate ingredients worldwide. Stephan joined the Suedzucker/Beneo Group in 2001. He graduated with a diploma in Nutrition Science from the University of Giessen, Germany and obtained a PhD (Dr. rer. nat) from the Technical University of Munich. He is actively involved in international scientific committees and collaborative research projects including several Committees of the International Life Science Institute (ILSI).

Session 4: Regulatory Updates of Carbohydrates and Promotion Programme in Southeast Asia Expand

Dr. E Siong Tee is Nutrition Consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultanc, Malaysia. He is also Adjunct Professor for International Medical University and a Member of the Board of Directors of ILSI SEA Region and Scientific Coordinator of ILSI Malaysia Country Committee. Dr. Tee was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. He is a member of several Technical Working Groups of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the committees related to Malaysian Food Regulations and Codex Alimentarius. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network in 2014 and is the current Chairman of the Network.

Ms. Ts. Zailina Abdul Majid, a Food Technologist since 2000 in Ministry of Health, by qualification, holds a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Technology (Food Technology), University of Science Malaysia (1995) and a Master of Science (Food Science), National University of Malaysia (2013).

At present, she is the Director for the Policy, Strategic Planning and Codex Standard Division, Food Safety and Quality Programme under the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Her main responsibilities are on formulating of national policies on food safety, promulgation of national legislation, overseeing the management of food analysis, risk assessment, and communication and consumerism activities. She is also responsible in managing international issues of Codex, WTO, SPS and TBT, regional issues pertaining to ASEAN, APEC, etc, including bilateral, multilateral agreements as well as FTAs.  She also attends Codex, ASEAN and other international meetings to ensure Malaysia's positions are upheld.

She is also the Secretary for the Malaysian Food Analyst Council, Assistant to the Chair for Codex Committee of Fats and Oils and at the ASEAN level, and Vice Chair for the Task Force for ASEAN Food Safety Regulatory Framework Agreement (TF AFSRF).

Ms. Priscilla Li works within the Policy and Strategy Development team in HPB. She leads pieces relating to Nutri-Grade and sugar reduction, maternal and child health, as well as food labelling and claims.
She is an accredited practicing dietitian and a certified nutrition support specialist. She received the Ministry of Health - Healthcare Manpower Development Award and obtained fellowship at Cambridge University Hospital and St Georges' Hospital in the UK.

Dr. Roseline Yap started her career as an academic and scientist in the field of nutrition. Currently, she is the Managing Editor for Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. Roseline has been a Council Member of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) since 2012 and currently is the Honorary Treasurer. Her passion is in the field of community nutrition therefore she is in the expert committee for several programmes such as Nutrition Month Malaysia, Positive Parenting including leading the nutrition promotion programme, NSM Roadshows 2.0.

Ms. Megawati Suzar, Fonterra Brands (M) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia

Note: Topic and Title of presentations are subject to change upon final confirmation with invited speakers.

Download Program


Virtual posters were submitted by academicians and researchers, students, healthcare professionals, government, policy and regulatory authority, and industry innovators, in line with the symposium's session themes.

Browse through and download their abstracts and e-posters below!

View Posters and Abstracts




IFSTC-LOGO-REDESIGN Nutrition Society Malaysia


If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the following:

For Local Participants:
Dr. Tee E Siong
Email: For Overseas Participants:
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Tel: 65 6352 5220
Email: [post_title] => Science Symposium: ReThink Carbohydrates - Science, Health and Regulatory Development [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => agm-2024-science-symposium [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-12 08:10:57 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-12 08:10:57 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 5 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 30139 [post_author] => 353 [post_date] => 2024-07-29 05:11:16 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-29 05:11:16 [post_content] =>
Overview Overview BACKGROUND
Co-organized by Sunway University and the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, and in collaboration with Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, the symposium will collaborate with key local and regional institutions, bringing together subject experts including renowned scientists, regional practitioners and researchers, industry leaders in the field, health officials and regulators to share latest advancement and new knowledge on human and gut microbiome research in Asia and SE Asia.
From clinical to translational science and applications, the symposium will provide an exciting platform to exchange, harness the science, stimulate innovations in tools and product development that will help inform on appropriate dietary recommendations to address nutrition and health gaps, facilitate regulatory development and forge partnerships in advancing the field for consumer health benefits in Southeast Asia.


  • Advance knowledge link on gut microbiome to health and disease, focusing on Asian populations
  • Provide regional landscape and initiate collaboration in SE Asia to generate data and further research and product development
  • Promote innovation and regulatory development for consumer and market
  • Develop insights and recommendations for research and regulatory guidance
  • Facilitate discussion on pre-competitive collaborative research opportunities
Program Outline

Day 1 - November 25, 2024, 08:45 - 18:00 hr

  • Session 1 - Human Gut Microbiota - Updates on Science and Research in Southeast Asia
  • Session 2 - Technologies and Food Innovations to Advance Gut Microbiota and Health
  • Session 3 - Infant Gut Microbiota and Health
  • Panel Session

Day 2 - November 26, 2024, 08:30 - 18:00 hr

  • Rapid-fire Poster Presentation Session - for Shortlisted Posters
  • Session 4 - Gut Microbiota, Metabolic Health and the Gut-brain Axis
  • Session 5 - Functional Biotics and its Applications in Southeast Asia
  • Session 6 - Developments in Regulations and Consumer Insights in Southeast Asia
  • Panel Session

Please refer below for the full program and presenters details.



The following posters were submitted by several academicians and researchers, students, healthcare professionals, government, policy and regulatory authority, and industry innovators, in line with the symposium's session themes.

Browse through their e-posters below:

101 Influence of novel food containing microalgae on microbe-host interactions
Marta Arbrile,
Madeleine Drexler, Philane Bok, Andrea Spaccasassi, Deborah Haecker, Corinna Dawid, Dirk Haller 102 Low protein diet ameliorates MASLD in a gut microbiota-dependent manner
Yi Rou Bah, Dayang Nurul Asyiqin, Sunny Wong Hei, Nguan Soon Tan, Kazuyuki Kasahara 103 Oral Probiotics for the Treatment and Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis
Pei En Goh, Jo Ee Kew, Keyun Look, Shi Ying Ong, Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra, Yun Jing Tiong, Kavita Reginald 104 Theabrownin ameliorates experimental colitis and modulating gut microbiota in mice
Emily Kwun Kwan Lo, Junsheng He, Hani El-Nezami, Jun Li 105 Impact of Sago Consumption on Gut Microbiome Composition and Urine Metabolome Profiles: A Cross-Sectional Study from Malaysia
Chui Yang Mok, Polly Soo Xi Yap, Qasim Ayub, Ashish Dutt, Sadequr Rahman, Sal Hazreen Bugam, Effa Maria Noorzali, Mohammad Izzuandy Yusop, Chun Wie Chong 106 How Aflatoxin B1 Affects Brain Health? The Role of Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Depression
Mohd-Redzwan Sabran, Woei Chung Ng, Syarminie Subramaniam, Winnie-Pui-Pui Liew 107 Role of the Gut Microbiome in Human Health: A Report of the ILSI South East Asia Region Gut Microbiome Conference Series
Sim Shao Zhe Edric, Conway Patricia Lynne, Smith Geoffry, Yeong Boon Yee 108 Exploring the link between maternal mental health trajectories and gut microbiome: insights from the 'Singapore Preconception Study of Long-Term Maternal and Child Outcomes' (S-PRESTO) cohort
Noor Hidayatul Aini Suaini, Hui Xing Lau, Sandheep Ransilu Piyasanka, Yap Qai Ven2, Michelle Kee Zhi Ling, Michael Meaney, Xu Jia1, Lee Bee Wah, Lynette Shek Pei-chi, Chan Shiao-yng, Kewin Siah Tien Ho, Jerry Chan Kok Yen, Delicia Ooi Shu Qin, Niranjan Nagarajan, Neerja Karnani, Chan Yiong Huak, Johan Gunnar Eriksson, Evelyn Loo Xiu Ling 109 Delivery of nucleic acids in the gut microbiota using cyclic D,L-α-peptides
Shaun Tan, Kazuyuki Kasahara, Benson Chen Po-Shen 110 Randomized Controlled Trial using Multi-strain Probiotic Supplementation with Standard Care in Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis: A Preliminary Data
Muhammad Ikhmal Rosali, Raja Affendi Raja Ali, Khairul Najmi Muhammad Nawawi, Deborah Chia Hsin Chew, Hajar Fauzan Ahmad, Norfilza Mohd Mokhtar 111 From Deficiency to Diversity: Red Palm Olein-enriched Biscuits Potentially Enhance Gut Health in Vitamin A-deificent Children
Tan Pei Yee, Radhika Loganathan, Yvonne Lim Ai Lian, Lee Soo Ching, Kanga Rani Selvaduray, Teng Kim Tiu, Syahirah NadiahMohd Johari 112 Compositional Characteristics of Bat Gut Microbiota in Co-infection with High Spillover Risk Viruses
Juanjuan Yi, Mang Shi, Jun Li 113 Fermentation of oats with probiotics for enhanced nutritional and microbiome related benefits
Wong LL, Sim SZE , Kjelleberg S, Conway PL 114 Production of Insect Protein Hydrolysate using Microbial Fermentation
Zhang Penghui, Seow Kelyn, Sim Shao Zhe Edric, Case Rebecca, Steven Rachel, Wein Leo, Wang Yulan, Conway Patricia Lynne 115 Multi-omics profiles of the gut microbiome in obese preschool children
Shiyu Yan 116 The Influence of Food Choices on Gut Microbiome-derived Short-chain Fatty Acids and Bone Health in Preadolescent Malaysian Children
Kanimolli Arasu, Yi Qi Cheow, Kooi Yeong Khaw, Chun Wie Chong, Connie M Weaver, Winnie Siew Swee Chee 117 Processing of Development Dadih Powder on Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as A Locally Source Probiotic from West Sumatra, Indonesia
Helmizar, Restu Sakinah, Rina Agustina 118 The gut and cognitive frailty in older adults: Are microbiota, intestinal permeability, and intestinal inflammation the critical links?
Nurul Izzati Ahmad Fadzuli, Hazwanie Iliana Hairul Hisham, Siong Meng Lim, Abu Bakar Abdul Majeed, Maw Pin Tan, Suzana Shahar, Hui Min Khor, Ai Huey Tan, Chun Wie Chong, Kalavathy Ramasamy 119 Anti-Angiogenic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LAB12-derived Postbiotics for Chemoprevention Against Colorectal Cancer
Umi Khalsom Mohd Bajuri, Kalavathy Ramasamy, Siong Meng Lim 120 Association of Fasting Plasma Peptide YY and Glucagon-like Peptide-1 with Gestational Weight Gain in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy in Indonesia
Dwi Susanti, Davrina Rianda, Dyana Santika Sari, Erfi Prafiantini, Ninik Mudjihartini, Budi Wiweko, Anuraj Shankar, Rina Agustina 121 Antibiofilm Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Mechanisms of Cell-Free Supernatant, Metabolite Insights, and Prospects for Edible Coating Applications in Food Quality Control
Mohd Fakharul Zaman Raja Yahya, Mohd Shafiq Aazmi, Muhamad Fareez Ismail 122 The Efficacy of Yeast Beta Glucan 1,3/1,6 Supplementation on Respiratory Infection, Fatigue, Immune Markers, and Gut Health Among Moderate Stress Adults in Klang Valley of Malaysia: Protocol for a Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Study
Nur Nadia Mohamad Habibullah, Suzana Shahar, Munirah Ismail, Norhayati Ibrahim, Mohd Zul Amin Kamaruddin, Shirley Gee Hoon Tang, Mohd Faisal Abdul Hamid, Kalavathy Ramasamy



The Symposium will be held IN-PERSON at:

Sapphire Ballrom, Level 1
Avanté Hotel
1 Persiaran Bandar Utama Bandar Utama
PJU 6, Bandar Utama, 47800
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

About the Organizers
ILSI Southeast Asia Region (ILSI SEA Region) is a regional branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), a nonprofit, worldwide organization whose mission is to provide science that improves human health and well-being, and safeguards the environment. Established in 1978 and headquartered in Washington, DC, USA, ILSI carries out its work through a global network of 10 entities across the world. ILSI has specialized consultative status with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
ILSI SEA Region seeks to achieve ILSI's mission by fostering collaboration among experts from academia, government, and industry, to provide a balance of perspectives and ensure its scientific outcomes are useful at the local, national and international levels. Its activities include scientific meetings and conferences, capability development programs, and research and community projects. ILSI SEA Region's scientific programs are guided by the principles of integrity, independence and transparency. By maintaining our neutrality and independence, we have worked closely and effectively with our key stakeholder groups from academia, industry, international organizations and governments.
School of Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University, Malaysia
Sunway University is one of Malaysia's leading private universities. Upholding values-based education, the University strives to ensure the campus community develops a sustainable mindset by embracing an ecological worldview, understanding systems perspective, and developing emotional intelligence. Sunway University is part of the Sunway Education Group which is owned and governed by the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Malaysia's largest education-focused social enterprise, where operating surpluses are channelled back into the institutions or disbursed as scholarships, research grants and faculty or facility expansion funds.
The Sunway University School of Medical and Life Sciences is dedicated to revolutionising healthcare development in the region. The School comprises five Academic Departments and Research Centres, including the Sunway Microbiome Centre - a Centre that focuses on the research of microbiota in health and disease. The Sunway Microbiome Centre collaborates nationally and internationally with researchers across multiple disciplines to advance microbiome research, and unravel how naturally existing microbial species in the digestive system influence the occurrence and progression of a variety of human illnesses and diseases.
Nutrition Society of Malaysia

Nutrition Society MalaysiaEstablished in 1985, the Nutrition Society of Malaysia is a non-profit professional organisation with 500 members, comprising mainly of nutritionists. Its objectives are to 1) promote, advance, and disseminate scientific knowledge of food and nutrition, and 2) promote healthy eating and active living amongst all Malaysians. As a professional organisation, NSM is guided by a simple belief - the more people understand food and nutrition, the better they can care for their health and wellbeing. For that reason, NSM supports the advancement of research, sharing practical insights and important discoveries for the benefits for all. NSM also support the Government's efforts in promoting healthy nutrition in the society to combat nutrient deficiencies as well as diet-related chronic diseases in the country (e.g. obesity, diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease). In caring for the community, NSM continuously disseminate practical nutrition information to the young and old alike, guiding them to discover the benefits of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University (LKCMedicine, NTU), Singapore
NTU is a research-intensive public university ranked amongst the world's top universities. It is also home to world-renowned autonomous institutes including the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering. Apart from its main campus, NTU also has a medical campus in Novena, Singapore's healthcare district.
Established in 2010 by NTU, Singapore in partnership with Imperial College London, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) aims to be a model for innovative medical education and a centre for transformative research. The School's primary clinical partner is the National Healthcare Group, a leader in public healthcare and quality medical expertise, facilities and teaching. LKCMedicine is transitioning to an NTU Medical School, ahead of the 2028 successful conclusion of the NTU-Imperial partnership to set up a Joint Medical School. The School welcomed its first intake of the NTU MBBS programme in August 2024, emphasizing themes including precision medicine and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, with an expanded scope in the medical humanities.  International Food Safety Training Centre Malaysia (IFSTC) / Food Safety and Quality Programme (FSP), Ministry of Health, Malaysia

About the Sponsors



ILSI Global
ILSI is a global, non-profit federation dedicated to generating and advancing emerging science and groundbreaking research to ensure foods are safe, nutritious and sustainable, and that they improve planetary and human health and well-being in the 21st century.
ILSI convenes scientists at the forefront of research on nutrition, food safety and sustainability, and operates within a framework of the highest principles of scientific integrity. ILSI's trusted experts and volunteers around the world work synergistically and transparently across academia and the public and private sectors.
ILSI envisions a future where its thought leadership positively impacts health and sustainability through decisions informed by science, and provides input to overcome global food challenges through collaboration across sectors. Beneo
Beneo has long-term experience in developing and producing plant-based functional ingredients from natural sources for the food, feed and pharmaceutical industries. By supporting health and optimising taste and texture, they help improve the nutritional and technical properties of a wide variety of products.

Through a unique chain of expertise, BENEO offers customers advice and inspiration on new product ideas that support a healthy lifestyle in a holistic way. This includes the BENEO-Institute that provides decisive insights into nutrition science and legislation, and the BENEO-Technology Center that consults in application technology.

Formed in 2007, BENEO is active in over 80 countries, employs more than 1200 people and has six state-of-the-art production sites in Belgium, Chile, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands that deliver high-quality ingredients at all times.

Wellous is committed to simplifying wellness through premium products backed by scientifically validated ingredients. As a leader in health and wellness, we enhance individual well-being and foster a health-focused community with natural solutions driven by three pillars: Specialized Product Development, Proprietary Technology, and an Engaging Social Commerce Network. Expanding from Malaysia into the Asia Pacific, Wellous maintains high product standards while scaling operations through R&D partnerships and innovation. Collaborating with educational institutions and our Medical and Research Board of Advisors (MRBA), we develop cutting-edge formulations that blend modern science with traditional remedies, ensuring product efficacy, safety, and reliable wellness solutions. Yakult
More than 90 years ago, Dr. Minoru Shirota, the founder of Yakult, pursued preventive medicine and succeeded in strengthening and culturing our representative strain Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain Shirota (previously known as Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota). He then released an inexpensive, good-tasting fermented milk drink "Yakult" in 1935 so that as many people as possible could benefit from this lactic acid bacteria. Today, about 40 million bottles of our dairy products are consumed in 40 countries and regions across the world.

Since its founding, as a pioneer in the field of Probiotics, Yakult has been expanding our operations to food and beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products based on scientific evidence. With the passionate desire of our founder, we contribute to the health and happiness of people around the world through the pursuit of excellence in life science in general and our research and experience in microorganisms in particular.




Founded in 1995, Junlebao Dairy Group has been dedicated to the development of dairy industry for the past 26 years, providing consumers with nutritious, healthy, and safe dairy products. The Group now has over 14,000 employees (including outsourced staff), and focuses on four major sectors, including infant and toddler formula, cold yogurt, room-temperature milk, and animal husbandry, with 21 manufacturing plants (including those under construction) in Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Jilin provinces and other places and 17 modern large-sized dairy farms. Junlebao Dairy Group has a nationwide sales network.
In recent years, Junlebao has continuously reinforced its R&D activities and innovation, optimized the product structure, and endeavored to promote the high-quality development of the dairy industry. It initiated the production and the operation model of "integrated whole industrial chain" and "world-class advantages in five aspects", strictly pursuant to the principle of four "Mosts": the most optimal quality, the most competitive brand, the most reliable product and the most satisfactory product for consumers. Novonesis
In 2024 Chr. Hansen and Novozymes joined forces to form Novonesis.​
We are 10,000 people worldwide whose expertise spans more than 30 different industries. All around the world our biosolutions already create value for thousands of customers and benefit the planet. Our biosolutions enable feeding and fueling the world more sustainably, from healthy and sustainable nutrition to biofuel.
Novonesis Human Health Biosolutions offer scientifically-researched and clinically-tested solutions for a stronger body and mind to support people navigate to better lifelong health. Our portfolio is manufactured at scale in-house and includes prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes, novel vitamins, proteins and many other biosolutions to help you meet people's complex needs. Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC)
The Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC), launched in February 2019, is one of the technology consortia funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF), Singapore. It is currently administered under the Consortium Management Office hosted in A*STAR, Singapore. The Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC) initiative is based on a multidisciplinary research platform and skill base, with translational capacity, on microbial biofilm biology and technology, at SCELSE and other institutions across Singapore. SNBC serves as a coordinating platform at the convergence of health, engineering, technology and science, that integrates innovation and business in the area of biofilm and microbiome technologies to address emerging challenges across diverse industries. SNBC aims to foster collaboration, innovation and translational research across academia and industry within Singapore's R&D ecosystem as well as internationally. U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC)
The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) is a non-profit, independent membership organization that represents the global trade interests of U.S. dairy producers, proprietary processors and cooperatives, ingredient suppliers. Founded in 1995, USDEC is committed to enriching the well-being of people, communities, and the planet, and to sharing science-backed information on the health, nutritional and sustainability benefits U.S. dairy delivers.


Download Full Program

DAY 1: November 25, 2024

08:00 - 08:45 hr Registration
08:45 - 09:00 hr Opening and Welcome Remarks
  • Mr Geoffry SMITH, ILSI SEA Region, SIngapore
  • Prof Sibrandes POPPEMA, Sunway University, Malaysia
  • Dr Mahenderan APPUKUTTY, Nutrition Society of Malaysia

DAY 2: November 26, 2024

08:30 - 09:30 hr Breakfast Refreshment & Rapid-fire Poster Presentation Session


Explore our various sponsorship opportunities and take part in this important meeting! For more details, please email




Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University Nutrition Society Malaysia


NTU_Logo_Colour_4C_Positive_Full Colour High res-01-01 IFSTC-LOGO-REDESIGN


ILSI Global BENEO logo Wellous logo Yakult Logo


Junlebao Logo Novonesis SNBC logo USDEC-logo


If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the following:

For Local Participants:
Dr. Tee E Siong
Email: For Overseas Participants:
ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Tel: 65 6352 5220
Email: [post_title] => Advancing Gut Microbiome Research for Applications in Health and Food Innovation [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => microbiome-2024 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-11-26 06:06:17 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-26 06:06:17 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 158 [max_num_pages] => 32 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => 1 [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 140256aedbefe2d2b58d0c5c51a93322 [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) )