Research Projects

Research Projects by ILSI Southeast Asia Region

Maternal diet, nutritional status and infant birth weight in Malaysia: A scoping review
In collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia
Accepted and preparing for publication

Analysis of Selected Dietary Intake Indicators in the Vietnam 2020 General National Nutrition Survey - to understand dietary intake and blood analysis of selected nutrients among different Vietnamese populations
Collaborative project with the National Institute of Nutrition Vietnam, and the University of Leeds

Publication Series on Physical Activity: 2) Review on Physical Activity in Southeast Asia: Interventions Studies 3) Survey on SEA Physical Activity Assessment, Status, Data and Programs
In collaboration with National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Public Health Continuum in COVID-19 Pandemics: Identification, Control, Vaccine Development and the Potential of Nutrition
Paper finalized. To be submitted to BMC Public Health

Review and Analysis of Micronutrient Fortification Regulations in Southeast Asia
To be published by 2nd Quarter 2022

Technical Document on “Other Food Components”
To be published by 2nd Quarter 2022

Review of Nutrition Labelling, Nutrition and Health Claims Regulations in Asia: A new chapter for India and the latest update for Indonesia and Singapore
Will be published in 2022

Project on Measurement of Total Sugar Content of Commonly Consumed Foods in Malaysia
Analysis completed with ongoing draft of publication

Review of the Definition and Regulatory Status of “Dietary Fibre and Wholegrain” in Southeast Asia
To initiate in 2nd Quarter 2022

Monograph on Volume 1: Safety Assessment of Low- Non-Calorie Sweeteners (LNCS)

Collation of food allergen labelling in Asia Pacific

Global Comparison of How Short-term Blood Glucose Response to Food is Measured and Translated
Co-lead with ILSI North America

Patterns of Sodium Intake and Sources of Sodium Among Filipinos Aged 19 to 50 Years: Findings from the 2008 National Nutrition Survey
In collaboration with the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), Philippines
Journal review completed; paper under revision

Symposium Proceedings: Sugar and Sweeteners: Science, Innovations, and Consumer Guidance for Asia

Data Analysis: Levels and Sources of Sugar Intake in the Philippines

Measurement of Total Sugar Content of Commonly Consumed Foods in Malaysia
In collaboration with Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Vitamin D Status and its Correlates among Pregnant Thai Adolescents
In collaboration with Mahidol University, Thailand (original study)

Topic: Maternal Nutrition and Birth Outcome in Malaysia: Current Status and Risk Factors (review)

ILSI SEA Region Contribution to the One ILSI Project on Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing: Multi-Country Survey- Profiling the Elderly and Review on Healthy Ageing
Thailand: in collaboration with Mahidol University
Philippines: in collaboration with University of San Carlos
Malaysia: in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Ongoing; 2 papers published, 1 paper 
under review 

Study on Dietary Exposure of Sweeteners in Thai Consumers
In collaboration with Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand
Completed; Publication under final preparation