Symposium on “Should Australia and New Zealand Allow More Vitamin D Into The Food Supply?”

Melbourne, Australia
Deakin City Centre


To address this public health issue by:

  • Raising the awareness of academics, government, industry and food regulators of the key public health issue of vitamin D deficiency in the Australian population.
  • Highlighting to the government that urgent consideration needs to be given to allowing more vitamin D into the food supply.
  • Proposing food based strategies to effectively increase vitamin D intake of the Australian and New Zealand populations.


To download the program, click here.


The report is available here.


Overview: Impact of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency on health
Prof Caryl Nowson, Deakin University

Vitamin D status of adult Australians - Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its determinants in Australian adults
Prof Rob Day, Deakin University

Vitamin D status of dark skinned migrant populations and indigenous Australians
Assoc Prof Andre Renzaho, Monash University

Canada's experience with vitamin D fortification
Prof Susan Whiting, University of Saskatchewan

How effective is sunlight exposure in maintaining adequate vitamin D status in Australians?
Prof Rebecca Mason, University of Sydney

The ABC of D - Infants, children and adolescents; Pregnancy and lactation
Dr Georgia Paxton, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne

Vitamin D and mental health: reflection on U-shaped relationships
Prof John McGrath, University of Queensland

Emerging areas relating vitamin D to health
Prof Peter Eberling, University of Melbourne

Regulating the addition of vitamin D to food
Ms Janine Lewis, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)

Vitamin D mushrooms - The natural solution to Australia's vitamin D problems
Mr Grey Seymour, Australian Mushroom Growers' Association

Vitamin D - A perfect storm is building
Mr Wouter Claerhout, DSM Nutritional Products Ltd

Vitamin D Symposium 2012
Vitamin D Symposium 2012


From left to right:
Mr Wouter Claerhout, DSM
Prof Caryl Nowson, Deakin University
Ms Janine Lewis, FSANZ
Assoc Prof Andrew Renzaho, Monash University
Prof John McGrath, University of Queensland
Dave Roberts, ILSI Australasia
Mr Greg Seymour, Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association
Prof Andy Sinclair, Deakin University