ILSI Southeast Asia Region organizes over 50 events – workshops, symposia, scientific session and more – each year. Explore recent and past events here for agendas, speaker presentations, and summaries.
Seminar on Food Safety and Standards
Hanoi, Vietnam
Seminar on Sweeteners: Uses and Safety
Hanoi, Vietnam
This event was organized by ILSI SEA Region, co-organized by the Vietnam Food Administration (VFA), and in collaboration with National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Vietnam.
Seminar on 2015 Philippines Dietary Reference Intakes
Makati City, Philippines
This seminar was organized by ILSI SEA Region Philippine Country Committee, in collaboration with Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) and Philippine Chamber of Food Industry.
Seminar on Crop Improvement for Food and Nutrition Security in Southeast Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for Gene Stacking and Other Plant Breeding Techniques
Bangkok, Thailand
This seminar was organized by ILSI SEA Region, co-organized by BIOTEC and in collaboration with the USDA.
Seminar on Crop Improvement for Food and Nutrition Security in Southeast Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for Gene Stacking and Other Plant Breeding Techniques
Singapore, Singapore
This seminar was organized by ILSI SEA Region, co-organized by Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC), Singapore and in collaboration with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
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