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Present Knowledge in Food Safety is a comprehensive resource that addresses food safety concerns and scientific advancements along the farm-to-consumption supply chain.
ILSI SEA Region initiates and coordinates scientific programs, research, as well as knowledge and information dissemination in Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Read more
Upcoming Events
Mini Symposium on Sarcopenia and Frailty – Assessment, Prevalence and Prevention
Singapore, Singapore
9th Scientific Seminar on Drivers of Consumer Food Choices
Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Nanomaterials in Food and Beverage – Opportunities and Challenges
Holiday Inn Sydney Airport, Sydney, Australia
4th Asia-Pacific International Food Safety Conference & 7th Asian Conference on Food and Nutrition Safety
11/10/2016 – 13/10/2016
St. Giles Wembley, Penang, Malaysia
This conference aims to serve as a platform to discuss the latest trends and issues in food safety across the Asia Pacific region, bringing together food safety professionals from all sectors including government, industry and academia.
ICMSF Workshop on Microbiological Testing in Food Safety Management
St. Giles Wembley Hotel, Penang, Malaysia
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