Nutrigenomics – Opportunities in Asia

Nutrigenomics 2007 cover

Recognizing the special nutrition science research opportunities afforded in Asia, ILSI SEA Region hosted the ILSI’s First International Conference on Nutrigenomics – Opportunities in Asia in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia. Held in Singapore on December 7–9, 2005, the 3-day meeting was an international gathering of scientists from the academia, government and industry that attracted speakers and attendees from around the world with everyone coming to share their experience and knowledge in the area of nutrigenomics. Aimed at promoting the understanding of gene-nutrient interactions with key objective of stimulating research on the application of nutrigenomics in health promotion and disease prevention, the conference concluded that the future of nutrigenomics in Asia is bright, given strong support in human resource development, logistical resources and the participation of the private sector. Two post-conference symposia followed, dealt with the use of genomics technology in nutrition research and the application of nutrigenomics in nutritional food science.

This book Nutrigenomics – Opportunities in Asia is a culmination of the efforts of all those who organized and participated in this conference. The core of the book starts off with concepts and methods in nutrigenomics designed to give those interested in this field a general overview; this is followed by specific examples of the applications of these concepts and methods to specific disease states. The book also includes an executive summary of the conference sessions.

Please refer to the preface and table of contents for more information on the book. For purchase order, kindly contact ILSI SEA Region at