Webinar Series on Innovative Tools for Nutrition and Food Guidance

GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm


This series of 3 webinars provide updates on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG), Front-of-Pack (FOP) and nutrient profiling projects in the Philippines and other countries Southeast Asia. While these food guidance tools may be available, how they disseminated, promoted and utilized are important determinants for their effectiveness. Thus, understanding consumer food choices and behavior, perspectives of regulatory agencies and industry, as well as communication strategies are just as important.


Session 1 | March 9, 2021 | 1:30-3:30PM
- Food- Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG): Insights from the Past and Plans for the Future
- Understanding Consumer Food Choices and Behavior
- Determinants of Behavior Change Towards Healthy Eating

Session 2 | April 20, 2021 | 1:30-3:30PM
- Development and Implementation of FOPs in Thailand
- Updates on the Status of Front- of- Pack (FOP)
- Perspective from the Regulatory Board on the Front- of- Pack (FOP)
- Industry Perspective on the Front- of- Pack (FOP)

Session 3 | June 15, 2021 | 1:30-3:30PM
-Nutrient Profiling: A Tool for Healthier Food Choices
-Industry Perspective on Nutrient Profiling
-Communication Strategies for Better Consumer Understanding


ILSI Southeast Asia Region Philippines Country Committee


To view the recording for the respective sessions, please refer below:
Session 1: Click here
Session 2: Click here
Session 3: Click here


Report available HERE.


For more information, please click below to view the flyer for the respective sessions.
Session 1: Click here
Session 2: Click here
Session 3: Click here