Bangkok, Thailand
10/10/2013 – 11/10/2013
Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel
Micronutrient deficiencies continue to present a significant challenge to public health throughout Asia, particularly in vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, young children and the elderly. The fortification of common foodstuffs with micronutrients is an on-going strategy adopted by governments in collaboration with NGOs and the food industry to address this issue. Micronutrient fortification initiatives in Southeast Asia are evolving as regulations and technologies surrounding fortification evolve, and include both mandatory and voluntary fortification. There remains a wide diversity in fortification levels, food vehicles, level of regulatory control, and the actual status of micronutrient deficiencies in some countries in Asia is not well established.
The conference aimed to:
- Provide an update on micronutrient status and deficiencies in Asia and Southeast Asia
- Address issues related to the micronutrient fortification of foods, including benefits, safety, nutritional and regulatory considerations
- Provide an update on the status of and discuss future strategies for micronutrient fortification programs in Asia
Policy makers and government representatives involved in health promotion, NGOs, Academia, Nutrition and Health professionals, Food and Food Ingredients Industry
Micronutrient Deficiency in Asian Populations
- Vulnerable Groups – Women and Young Children
- Double Burden of Under and Over Nutrition
Micronutrient Fortification
- Overview and Importance in Asia
- Definition, Benefits and Challenge
- Regulatory, Technological and Safety Issues
- Case Studies from Asia
- Emerging Issues in Food Fortification
Future Strategies to Address Micronutrient Deficiency in Asia
To download the program, click here.
Global Level Policies and Programs in Combatting Micronutrient Deficiencies
Dr Emorn Wasantwisut, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand
Micronutrient Fortification: Overall Framework and Importance in Asia
Dr Regina Moench-Pfanner, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Singapore
Southeast Asia: Nutrition in Transition and its Challenges for Maternal and Child Nutrition
Dr Pattanee Winichagoon, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand
Guiding Principles for Implementation of Large-Scale Food Fortification Projects: From Epidemiology to Food Fortification Strategy
Dr Arnaud Laillou, UNICEF, Cambodia
Micronutrient Fortification Process and Challenges: The Philippine Experience
Dr Corazon Barba, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines
Impact of Micronutrient Fortification of Foods on Nutrition and Health Status: Fortified Complementary Feeding for the Prevention of Malnutrition
Dr Frank Wieringa, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Cambodia
Measuring Health and Economic Impacts of Micronutrient Fortification and the Role of Industry
Dr Jorg Spieldenner, Nestle Research Centre, Switzerland
Micronutrient Fortification: Regulatory Status and Challenges in SE Asia
Dr E Siong Tee, TES NutriHealth Strategic Consulting
Mandatory Fortification: Evaluating Risks and Ethical Considerations
Dr Mark Lawrence, Deakin University, Australia
Fortification of Unbranded Palm Oil in Indonesia: Public Private Initiative - From Pilot to Large Scale
Dr Drajat Martianto, Indonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification (KFI), Indonesia
Nutrition Effect of YYB Intervention on 6-24 Months Infants in Wenchuan Earthquake Region
Dr Junsheng Huo, Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, China CDC, China
National Guidelines for Micronutrient Deficiencies Control in Vietnam: Progress and Lessons Learned
Dr Le Thi Hop, National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam
Beyond the 'Big 5' - Micronutrients of Emerging Interest for Public Health
Mr Geoffry Smith, Essential Micronutrients Foundation, Singapore
Cambodia: Progress of Iron-Fortified Fish Sauce and Soy Sauce Project
Ms Theary Chan, Reproductive and Child Health Alliance (RACHA), Cambodia
Communicating the Benefits of Micronutrient Fortification: How to get fortified foods into the mouths of target populations?
Mr Pablo Perversi, Unilever, Singapore
Optifood - Future Approach to Improve Nutrition Programme Planning and Policy Decisions in SE Asia
Dr Elaine Ferguson, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK