Publication Date
Journal Articles
Special Report on Symposium on Understanding and Influencing Consumer Food Behaviours for Health: Executive Summary Report
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
Proceedings of the Symposium and Workshop on Biotechnology-Derived Nutritious Foods: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia
Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2005
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
This article was published in the Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 2005;26(4):403-452.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Food-Consumption Surveys in Developing Countries
Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2004
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
This article was published in Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 2004;25(4):407-414.
Symposium and Workshop on Healthy Lifestyle Programs for Weight Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2004
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
This article was published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004;13(4):409-414.
Report of the 3rd ASEAN-ILSI Training Workshop on Safety and Risk Assessment of Agriculture-Related GMOs
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
This report was published by ILSI Southeast Asia Region, ASEAN Foundation, and Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand.
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