Upcoming Events
Food Composition Database: Principles and Applications
Bangkok, Thailand
This event was organized by the ILSI SEA Region Thailand Country Committee and Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand (FoSTAT). Program highlights include: food composition database (FCD): Systematic development at national and regional levels; current status of FCD in Thailand and ASEAN and their potential uses; and linking FCD to a national food consumption survey.
Pre-CCNFSDU Event: Seminar on Scientific Substantiation of Claims
Bali, Indonesia
This seminar was organized by ILSI SEA Region.
Seminar on Vitamin D in Nutrition and Health
Hanoi, Vietnam
This one-day seminar was organized by ILSI SEA Region, co-organized by National Institute of Nutrition Vietnam, in collaboration with Vietnam Nutrition Association (VINUTAS).
8th Scientific Seminar on Food Innovation/Renovation for Healthier Food Choices: Approaches for Effective Implementation
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This one-day seminar was organized by the ILSI SEA Region Malaysia Country Committee and co-organized by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia and Malaysian Institute of Food Technology. The event will discuss industry efforts to innovate/renovate processed foods to provide healthier alternatives to the public, including the successes and challenges. The seminar also focuses on consumer awareness and acceptance of healthier food choices.
The Gut, Its Microbes and Health: New Knowledge and Applications for Asia
08/10/2014 – 09/10/2014
Singapore, Singapore
This event was organized by ILSI SEA Region in collaboration with National University of Singapore, Newcastle University, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and Indonesian Scientific Society for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISSPP).
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