Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
10/10/2011 – 13/10/2011
ILSI Southeast Asia Region, through the ILSI-FAO Framework Program has initiated the Project on “Strengthening ASEAN Risk Assessment Capacities: Food Consumption Data” in 2010. The purpose of the Project is to find ways forward for the harmonization of food consumption data among ASEAN Member States to facilitate the development of regional exposure assessments for food safety purposes.
The Project has been carried out in collaboration with a number of international and regional organizations including ASEAN (coordinated by the Food Safety & Quality Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia), FAO and WHO.
As part of the Project, a Workshop on ASEAN Food Consumption Data will be held to provide a forum to discuss issues, challenges and possibilities in the harmonization of food consumption data for food safety exposure assessment purposes.
The objectives of this workshop are to provide a forum to share experiences in harmonize food consumption data among ASEAN Member States (AMSs), compile existing food consumption data within the region, as well as to assess the need to conduct risk assessment for food safety within ASEAN. It is anticipated that upon completion of this project, future food consumption surveys would be equally useful for assessing the nutritional status of a certain population as well as for food safety risk assessment and Total Diet Study (TDS) for national and the ASEAN region.
This workshop will also provide a platform for interaction between risk assessors and nutritionists towards understanding the need for food consumption data.
Attendance to the workshop is by invitation only.