Melbourne, Australia
Telstra Conference Centre
ILSI SEA Region Australasia Country Office
- To review the latest summary paper in AJCN on saturated fats (Copenhagen workshop),
- To review status of stearic acid health-related research,
- To consider developments in breeding new plant oils rich in stearic and other fatty acids,
- To understand the stability & other properties of new oils,
- To discuss whether current data bases on fatty acids are up to date, and
- To share new research on fat metabolism and the role of gut microbiota and health.
To download the program, click here.
The report is available here.
Introduction and welcome
Prof. Andy Sinclair, Deakin University
Overview & summary of the Copenhagen meeting on Saturated Fats held in 2010
Prof. Andy Sinclair, Deakin University
Fats or fiction- trying to establish fat consumption data in the absence of a National Dietary Survey
Mr. Nick Goddard, Australian Oilseeds Federation
Genetic manipulation of saturates and unsaturates in plant oils – what’s in the product development pipeline?
Dr. Allan Green, CSIRO Plant Industry
Healthier Oils: Stability & Performance
Dr. Chakra Wijesundera, CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences
Updating fatty acid values in the national food composition database for use in the 2011/13 Australian Health Survey
Ms. Janis Baines, Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Implications of the identification of fat receptors on the tongue
Dr. Russell Keast, Deakin University
How gut microbiota might influence fat storage and metabolism
Assoc. Prof. Andrew Holmes, University of Sydney
New ways of looking at fat absorption
Prof. David Cameron-Smith, University of Auckland
For more information on national food composition tables in Australia
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2011). NUTTAB 2010 – Australian food composition tables. Canberra: FSANZ, available here.
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand (2008). AUSNUT 2007 – Australian food, supplement and nutrient database for estimation of population nutrient intakes. Canberra, FSANZ, available here.
Back row (left to right):
Dr Roger Bektash, Mars
Mr Nick Goddard, Australian Oilseeds Federation
Dr Russell, Keast, Deakin University
Dr Chakra Wijesundera, CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences
Dr Allan Green, CSIRO Plant Industry
A/Prof Andrew Holmes, University of Sydney
Dr Michael Depalo, Campbell Arnotts
Front row (left to right):
Prof David Cameron-Smith, University of Auckland
Ms Janis Baines, FSANZ
Prof Andy Sinclair, Deakin University